67 - Are You Crazy?!

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We reach his black SUV. He goes to the passenger side and opens the door for me. I roll my eyes before getting in. He walks around and get in on the driver's seat.

He starts the car and he starts driving.

I just stay silent while looking out the window. This is literally the last thing I wanna do with him. I can't believe I'm sitting next to him in his car again.

It's literally dead silent. We're both not saying a single word and the radio is not playing. It's dead silent and it's so uncomfortable.

I'll just go on my phone to keep myself busy.

I wake my phone and I see a few texts from Abby. Thank god I have signals now.

I quickly reply to Abby telling her that I end up going home with Josh, followed by twenty of the puking emoji and check my other notifications.

I have a few texts and more missed calls from Liv. Okay, something's up. I quickly tap on it.

 I quickly tap on it

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Umm... What? Wait hold on. She spiked his drink?!

She... Drugged him?

He said he was hallucinating, right? He said he thought that she was me! So all this time he was telling the truth?

My head can't process this. My heart is literally beating really fast. I don't know if that's what actually happened, or if he was lying about it. Either way, he already broke my heart. And there's no going back from there.

I start thinking back to the day it happened. The party. I start playing it back inside my head. Every detail of it. And that night when we broke up. I still don't know how to stitch the new information together with the old one. It still doesn't make sense to me.

I just keep thinking about it. Was he lying about the whole hallucination thing?

"Liv called me earlier," he speaks, breaking the silence and snapping me out of my thought.

Oh wait. He was on the phone with someone when he went back out, right? He was saying something about "she doesn't love me anymore" to the phone, right? So that was Liv?! She texted me and called me but she also called Josh? Okay it's starting to make sense. A little bit.

My mind is going 1000 miles per hour I don't even have time to answer him.

"I have something to tell you."

Oh he's gonna try to explain.

I stay silent and just keep looking out the window.

"It has something to do with... Candace. But... Please just trust me, okay? Just listen to me. Just for this one time."

I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry. God why is everytime I hear he says the word Candace my eyes always start to water? He hasn't even said what he wanted to say yet! I swear I have PTSD.

I Think I Kinda, You Know | Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now