60 - Where Did You Get That?

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Today is Thursday. Episode 4 is coming out tomorrow and I seriously can't tell you how excited I am for this episode. Josh said that this is his favorite episode besides episode 10 which makes me even more excited! Also episode 3 kinda ends with a cliffhanger and I really wanna know what happens to Nini and E.J. now and I really hope they break up on the next episode because... Even though it makes me feel weird seeing Josh and Liv as a "couple", I'm still hashtag-team-Ricky.

It's around 5 pm and I'm at his house right now. We went to Lunchroom earlier today and stayed there for a few hours and now we're just chilling in his house. We've just been laying on his bed while I scroll through TikTok and literally, the only type of videos on my For You page is the Renegade dance. Everytime I scroll, that song starts playing. And everytime the song plays, my hands start doing the actual dance. Josh is probably really annoyed by now.

"Oh my god this is like the 50th time I hear this song today!" He complains. He turns off his phone and puts it beside him on the bed.

"I mean... I gotta say, the dance is kinda fun to do," I say while my hands are still doing the dance. Literally the only part of my body that moves is my hands. I'm leaning back against the headboard with my knees bent up to act as a phone stand for my phone while my hands do the entire Renegade dance over and over again.

He scoots closer to me. I'm sure he's know very curious as to what the actual dance is like.

He leans back against the headboard right beside me with his head super close to mine and I can kinda feel his curls touching my own hair. He stares at my phone screen, which is still playing this TikTok video of Charli D'Amelio doing the Renegade.

"That's hella fast!"

"I know!" I laugh.

"You know all the dance moves?"


"Wow. You gotta teach me those moves!"

"It's easy!" I say as I jump from the bed. "First you do the woah and then you clap!" I say as I do the woah and clap.

He stands up right beside me and does a very terrible woah. Then he claps. I burst out laughing really hard.

"What?" He asks.

"That was the ugliest woah I've ever seen!" I say in between my laughs.

"What? I was just copying you!"

"Okay. Okay." I try my best to stop laughing. "And then you cross and wave."

He does the cross and wave after me.

I continue teaching him the dance while laughing really hard because it's just so funny when he does the dance.

We do the dance a few more times from beginning to end and after that, we start doing it on normal speed with the song.

I place my phone on his desk with the camera on. I set the timer to 3 seconds and press start.

"Wait don't record it yet I still can't get it right!" He says as the timer's going down.

The video starts and we both do the dance. Josh does it so terribly and I can't even finish the dance because I'm laughing too hard.

I grab my phone that already stops recording and sit on the bed while rewatching the video. I'm watching it over and over again and it's still so funny. We both are laughing really hard, especially me. I decide to just keep it in draft though.

"Alright that's it. I'm gonna go take a shower. My hair is so greasy," he says, touching his curls and messing with his hair.

"Yeah go take a shower you stinky boy!" I say while messing up his hair even more.

I Think I Kinda, You Know | Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now