29 - No Way!

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It's been a few days since it happened. Since I made out with my best friend. And everything's been going great at home too. I just hope that they stay like this all the time.

I wake up at like 9 today, which is actually not bad considering I go to bed at like 2 o'clock every night. I check my phone because that's the first thing I do when I wake up.

I don't really have anything to do today so I guess it's another Netflix and YouTube kinda day.

I go down to my kitchen to eat breakfast. I just have cereal because I really don't feel like cooking anything.

As I'm finishing up my bowl of cereal, my phone rings. I pick up my phone that's been sitting next to my bowl of cereal. It's from Josh.

"Hey wake up!" he says.

"I'm already up! I should be the one waking you up. You literally wake up at twelve everyday during summer," I laugh.

He laughs. "No I don't!"

"Yes you do!"

"I woke up at like ten yesterday!"

"That's because your sisters pulled a prank on you!"

"Still. I woke up at ten."

"Whatever. Anyway, what's up?"

"Nothing much. I'm just bored. What are you doing today?"

"I don't know. It's probably just gonna be another watching-YouTube-all-day-long kinda day."

"You wanna come to my place? My parents are out for ya know... Work stuff and I think some of my sisters are also going out with their friends too. Also, I got home made brownies!"

"Say no more. I'll be there in 20."

"Alright. See you in 20."

I hand up and start getting ready. I change into a white crop top and some shorts and I put my hair into a ponytail.

I put some make up on just so I don't look dead and spray on some perfume. After I'm all ready, I grab my purse and start walking to his house.

It's pretty hot today and it's only around 9.30. But thank god Josh's house is only like 2 minutes away.

Once I'm there, I knock the door and the door swings open, revealing Josh in black Nike shorts and a T-shirt.

"Hey," he smiles and leans in to kiss me.

"Hi," I smile.

I get inside and we walk to his living room.

"So... You said you had brownies?"

"Of course that's the first thing you ask. They're in the kitchen," he points to the kitchen with his thumb. "C'mon."

We both go to the kitchen. There is a container on one of the cabinets and I know that that's the brownie. He takes that and put it on the island. He grabs two plates from the cabinet along with two forks. He grabs a knife and cut a little portion to put on the plate. He gives one plate to me. It smells so good. And it tastes just like I remember.

"Oh my god it's so good. Seriously, Claire makes the best brownie ever!"

"Actually, I made this."

"Really? This is so good! I love it! Tastes like the one Claire makes!"

"Yeah. She taught me how to make it a few days ago. I made this at like 3 in the morning. I couldn't sleep."

I Think I Kinda, You Know | Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now