61 - I Was Drunk!

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"You cheated?!" I break.

"Wait no... Listen-"

"Of course you cheated with her. She's prettier, sexier, and more perfect than me. Of course. I should've known."

"What? Rachel you are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on."

"That was last summer, Josh. That was fucking 6 months ago! And I'm just finding it out now! From Candace! The girl you actually cheated on with!"

"Okay, you need to calm down."

"Calm down? Josh you fucking cheated!"

"Rachel I didn't cheat!"

"Then what's this?" I show him the picture again, pointing to it with my index finger.

"Okay," he sighs. "Just let me explain, okay? I was drunk..."

I roll my eyes. "You were sober enough to recognize your own girlfriend and wanting to have sex with her in front of everyone!"

"I wasn't thinking straight! Okay? I- I was hallucinating. I though she was you and I couldn't resist it! I was already turned on!"

"Hallucinating? Alcohol doesn't make you hallucinate the second you drink it!"

"I don't know! But I swear I saw your face when we were making out-"

"Wait, you said you were already turned on?" I cut him off.

His face turns into panic. I know he didn't mean to say that last sentence but it slipped out of his mouth. He really looks like he regrets what he said.

"You got turned on just by kissing and looking at her?"

His eyes are glancing everywhere around the room. It's like he's too scared to even look me in the eyes. He takes a deep breath and gulps.

"B- Before that, something else happened," he stutters.

"What happened?"

He gulps once again. He's looking very nervous. He keeps fiddling with his fingers and taking deep breaths. 

"Answer the goddamn question!"

"She..." He pauses.

"She what?"

"She... She gave me a b-"

My eyes widen. My jaw drops once again, this time it feels 200 times heavier. Tears start forming in my eyes. He didn't continue his words after seeing my reaction.

He did that with Candace. We hadn't even gone that far at the time. We had never done anything freaky, even if it was just a blowjob. And he was doing that with her without me knowing.

I feel even more sick. I literally just threw up a little bit in my mouth. My head is spinning.

"No no no no wait. Let me explain-"

"What do you have to explain?!"

"Rachel I was drunk!"

"That's your explanation?! You were drunk?! Let me guess, did she ride you too?!"

"What?? No of course not! Rachel I don't know how it happened. I swear. She like tricked me or something! I- I don't even remember how she ended up doing that to me!"

"Yeah but you let her do it!"

"I didn't even finish!"

"Oh is that why you were all seductive and freaky that night? You were fucking horny because she didn't let you come?!"

I Think I Kinda, You Know | Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now