11 - Party

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My days are becoming even more and more boring without Josh. It's like... You know when your best friend doesn't come to school and you're all alone. It's almost like that but everyday. I mean I still have Abby and sometimes Miranda and Amelia, but there's just something missing.

I go to school just as usual. Everything goes just like a normal school day, you know, same old same old.

The bell rings, signaling that the school is over. I'm walking in the hallway towards the entrance, looking at the clock on my lock screen. Then I suddenly feel there's someone walking right beside me. I look to see who it is. It's Logan.

"Hey, what's up!"

I stop walking. "Can I help you?"

"Uh actually I wanted to ask you something."

I shift my position and cross my arms in front of my chest, telling him that I'm listening.

"Are you free like tonight?"

"Um... I think so, yeah."

"I'm having a party tonight at my place and I was wondering if you could come. Brent and Abby are gonna be there."

"Oh um... Uh..."

I've never been to a party before.

"It's okay. Just... Come if you want. You don't have to answer it now."

"Oh... Okay."

"Alright. I'll see you!" He walks away.

The school's famous player just invited me to a party. Should I be excited about it?

I walk home and grab something to eat. I'm not that hungry so I just grab an apple to bring to my room. Once I'm in my room, I put my backpack down and just lay in my bed. I eat my apple while thinking of what happened at school. Logan invited me to go to a party he's having. Should I go? But I've never been to a party before. Then I remember he said that Abby's gonna be there. I grab my phone from my pocket and call her.

After like 4 rings, she finally picks up.

"Hey Rachel, what's up?"

"Hey um are you coming to Logan's party tonight?"

"Oh yeah! I was gonna tell you that but I forgot. Yeah I'm going. Brent is also coming. You should totally come too!"

"But you know I've never been to a party before!"

"Then this is gonna be your first!"

"I don't know Abby..."

"Come on! It's gonna be fun!"

I seriously don't know if I should do it. But I mean I don't have anything to do tonight, so... Maybe I should just do it?

"Alright I'll go. Can we go together though?"

"Sure! I can pick you up with my car and we can go there together."


I just go to Instagram and watch some YouTube videos until it's around 5. Then I take a shower, get dressed, and do my make up and hair. I'm just wearing a black crop top along with some high wasted denim jeans and some Converse.

I don't really do anything for my hair. I just brush them and that's it. I do my make up just a little bit.

After I'm done getting ready, I wait for a few minutes until Abby gets here.

Abby lives only a few blocks away from my house, so it doesn't take her very long to get here. I see her car in front of my house and we just get going.

The ride only takes like 5 to 10 minutes. We park the car and walk towards the front door. I'm not surprised that his house is like a mansion.

Music is already blasting from the inside. We knock and somebody opens the door, revealing Logan's face.

"Hey! You made it! Come on in! Brent is already inside."

We get inside and there's so many people. It triggers my Agoraphobia. I usually hate crowded places.

We walk around the house, searching for Brent. We see him in the kitchen, sitting on an island stool. He stands up when he sees us and hugs Abby. He's obviously drunk.

I look around to see if there's somebody I know. I see some familiar faces but I don't actually know any of them. They're all seniors. Logan's friends.

"Are we like the only juniors?" I ask Abby, turning my head to her. She's not there. I look around to find her, but she's nowhere to be seen. Great. Now I'm all alone. In this crowded space.

I go around the house for a little bit until I see a door leading to the backyard. I walk outside to the backyard and sit on the bench. There's a few people that I don't know but I guess it's better than before.

I just sit and look at the view. Logan's backyard is nice. It has nice decorations here and there. The sky is also very pretty tonight. It's been so long since I stayed out at night. It's a little cold, but it's nice.

I was so mesmerized by the night sky that I didn't realize that someone comes and sit next to me.


I immediately snap out if it. Logan's already sitting beside me with two red solo cups in his hands.

"I got you a drink, he says, handing one of the cups to me.

"Thanks," I reply, taking the cup from his hand. I take a sip of the drink. The liquid burns my throat as I swallow it.

"So... why aren't you inside?"

"Abby kinda left me. And I also don't like crowded places, so..."

"Oh yeah. I didn't think there'd be this many people."

I don't answer anything. I can't believe I'm sitting next to him.

This is awkward.

"This is my first time going to a party," I finally say something, breaking the awkward silence.

"Oh I totally get it. Yours is still better than mine though. My ex dumped me and poured alcohol over my head."

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"

"Don't be. I'm kinda used to it anyway."

Wait. His ex dumped him? I thought he was the one who did it to his exes? And he's used to it??

"Used to it?" I ask in confusion.

"Yeah. A lot of the times the reason why I broke up with my exes was because they all dumped me."

The conversation just keeps going. From his story, apparently it's not him who dumps his exes. It's him who got dumped. So it's all been a lie. I always thought it was just the perk of being famous and attractive. He can just date whoever he wants and then dump them all he wants. But it's actually not.

After talking for a while, I check my phone. It's 11.30 pm. Below the clock there is one notification.

2 missed calls from Joshyyy.
13 new messages from Joshyyy.

I almost forgot about Josh. We haven't sent each other texts or even FaceTimed. Should I tell him? Should I tell him that I went to my first party ever? Should I tell him that I had a little conversation with Logan?

I Think I Kinda, You Know | Joshua BassettWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt