46 - Go To Sleep!

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Fall has officially started. It has gotten pretty cold here in the last week. And school has been pretty busy for me it kinda makes me lose my mind. Yesterday I forgot I had an assignment that was due today and suddenly I just remembered it the minute I laid my head on the bed at like 11 pm. I ended up staying up all night to do that assignment and now I'm really exhausted.

I am actually preparing for college applications and stuff like that so I have been working so hard the past few weeks. I mean I've been working hard since freshman year of high school and I know junior year is like the most important year but... I don't know I kinda think I wasn't working hard enough to the best of my abilities and this year... I kinda wanna make the best out of it, since it is my last year of high school.

By the way, I think I never mentioned this but Josh is actually not going to college. That's why we've been able to hang out even after the new school year started. He wanted to pursue his acting career and college is not the number one priority for him right now.

But anyway, today is Friday. Thank god because I need time to breathe.

The school bell rings, signaling school is over.

I walk to my locker where I just put some stuff in and take some stuff I need to bring home. Then, a few minutes later, when I'm just about to walk home, my phone vibrates in my pocket.

 Then, a few minutes later, when I'm just about to walk home, my phone vibrates in my pocket

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"Hi," I answer.

"Hey. How was school?"

"Not that great," I say with a flat voice.

"Hey what happened? You sound like you just woke up from Andersen's class," he laughs.

"That's because I did!"

"I knew it!" He laughs. "Are you back home? Or are you still at school?"

"Still at school. I was just about to walk home before you called."

"Do you want me to pick you up or anything?"

"I have feet, Josh. I can walk."

"Okay okay. But make sure instead of going to your house, you go to my house."


"Cause I wanna spend time with you! And... Claire just made some brownies!"

To be honest, I'm kinda tired and I just wanna go to my room and sleep until Sunday but... Brownies really sound good right now.

"Okay. But can we just like... Chill at your house? I'm kinda tired right now because of school."

"Yeah, of course. But are you sure you don't need me to pick you up?"

I Think I Kinda, You Know | Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now