65 - I Can't

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I enter the doorway and I can immediately see someone standing in a white gown and someone in a dark blue suit from my left peripheral vision. I turn to the left where the "stage" is and literally 7 pairs of eyes immediately land on me.

Winter is standing with Pierre in the middle of the stage area along with Josh and his sisters on their sides. There's a photographer right in front of them kneeling down a bit with a big camera pointing at them. They were all smiling at the camera until they saw my existence.

My eyes land directly at Josh, whose eyes also land directly at mine. His smile slowly fades away once he sees me. He starts eyeing me up and down slowly. I hate to admit it, but I was doing the same thing and he kinda looks good in that gray suit.

I turn my attention to the girls who are now looking very excited to see me. They're all waving at me excitedly, especially Claire. I wave back at them and just sit on one of the empty seats.

They take a few more photos and then Claire just sprints her way to me.

"Rachel! I thought you wouldn't come!" Claire says as we share a hug.

"What? Of course I'd come!"

"You missed the fun part tonight but we're about to start our little surprise for Winter which is gonna be epic!"

"Oh really? What's the surprise?"

"You'll see!"

My eyes then land on a tall guy who's walking toward us behind Claire. It's none other than Josh.

"I better..." She says, pointing to the stagr area with her thumb once she realizes that Josh is here.

"Oh... Yeah..." I answer.

She then leaves Josh and I alone.

"Hey..." Josh starts.

I just stay silent.

"You made it."

I still stay silent.

"You look beautiful tonight."


Well this is awkward.

He then looks down to my neck and realizes that something's wrong.

"You're not wearing the necklace," he speaks in a flat tone.

"I only came here for Winter," I state.

Someone please just get me out of this.

"Josh come on! We're gonna do the surprise!" A voice from behind him calls. It's one of his sisters' but I didn't quite catch who it was.

"Yeah one second!" He says back. Then he turns his attention back to me.

"I'm glad you made it here," he says before walking away.

I just sit back on my seat and enjoy the show.

Now Winter and Pierre are sitting at the front row facing the stage area. Josh and his sisters are getting ready to do their surprise. Josh takes off his gray jacket and puts it away. He starts rolling up his sleeves slowly and I can't help but stare as his veins start popping out of his skin.

That was kinda hot.

Umm... Anyway...

Someone then hands him a guitar. He slings the guitar strap over his shoulder and starts playing it.

I Think I Kinda, You Know | Joshua BassettUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum