25 - How Did It Happen?

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I wake up with birds chirping and a super bright light coming from the window. I shift a little, realizing that I'm on a different position from last night. Then I realize I'm actually lying on top of something. Something so comfortable. I rub my eyes to make my vision less blurry. The next thing I see really makes me jerk.

I'm so close with Josh. I was sleeping on top of his chest. We were cuddling. His hand is resting on my back and he is still soundly asleep.

How the hell did this happen? Does he know? I didn't even know we were cuddling until 5 seconds ago. How long have we been doing it?

I look around, still trying to figure out how this happened. I literally was sleeping on the brink of the bed last night and now I wake up trapped underneath his arm and I can't even move.

Not gonna lie though, he looks so cute when he's sleeping. I mean it's not like I've never seen him sleeping before. I just... I've never seen him sleeping this close before. He's so peaceful. His head is a little tilted to my side. I'm pretty sure he rested his head on top of mine when I was still sleeping. His face is seriously the most precious thing ever.

I could just stay here and stare at his beautiful sleeping face until he wakes up but my arm kinda hurts from sleeping in a weird position.

I try my best to move his arm away from me as slowly as possible so I don't wake him up. I put his hand on top of his stomach and crawl out of the bed. I tiptoe quickly to his bathroom. I stand in front of the mirror. What. The. Hell. Just. Happened. How did I end up sleeping on his chest? How did I not know I was sleeping on his chest? For how long did we cuddle like that? I'm so confused. I can't help but smile. I totally don't regret it.

I get out of the bathroom to see him still lying on his bed, but he's now awake and has his eyes on his phone screen. I swear his face right now is the cutest it's ever been.

"Oh. I didn't know you're already awake," I say. He glances at me.

"I didn't know you're already awake either."

Should I talk about what happened? Should I ask him if he knows about it? Or should I just play dumb like I have no idea that just happened? But I'm curious. I really want to ask him about it.

I open my mouth to speak, but before I can say anything, he suddenly just stands up and cut me off.

"Let's go eat breakfast. I'm hungry," he says while stretching a bit.

"Oh. Yeah. I'm a bit hungry too."

We both go downstairs. I look at the clock on the wall near the kitchen. It's almost 9 o'clock.

His mom is wiping the countertop when we enter the kitchen.

"Oh there you are. I made pancakes for breakfast. I wanted to make some for you but I figured it would get cold before you wake up."

She was busy wiping the countertop that she didn't see me. She then glances at Josh and finally sees my presence.

"Oh Rachel! I didn't see you. Did you stay here last night?"

"Yeah. Things are kinda a little weird back home."

"Oh, honey..." She walks towards me. "It's all gonna be fine. Trust me. Don't you worry about it."

I just nod.

"We'll make our own breakfast, mom," Josh says.

"Okay. Don't forget to clean the kitchen afterwards."

"Alright," he answers. His mom leaves.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asks me while opening the fridge, looking for something to eat.

I Think I Kinda, You Know | Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now