45 - Nothing Like The Movies

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I woke up this morning feeling happy as hell because for the past 3 days my body from waist down has been really sore, especially that area. And when I woke up this morning, it didn't hurt anymore, which is why I've been walking and jumping around in my room, making sure it is completely back to normal.

Okay. We all know what happened 3 days ago. And let me tell you something. First time having sex is nothing like the movies. It's not just a bunch of moaning and screaming at the top of your lungs when you reach orgasm. There is also the part that literally no one is talking about. The pain. Like... Why did no one ever tell me about this? I mean I don't know if everyone's first time is as painful as mine, or if they even feel pain at all, but for me, it was the worst. And I can't be the only one, right?

But yeah it did hurt really bad. He actually had to stop moving for a minute because it was just too painful. He kept asking if I was okay and thankfully, when he started moving again, the pain started to go away and was replaced by pleasure. But, when I woke up the next day, I couldn't walk because it was sore down there. But, despite all of that, it was still a great experience. Was it the best night I've ever had with him? No. But would I do it again for a second time? Hell. Yes.

It is now around 10 am on Saturday. My parents are not home right now. I think my dad is at work and my mom is running some errands. I asked Josh if he wanted to come over and he said yes. I told him that the door is not locked and I told him to just come inside and go straight to my room.

I was laying on my bed, watching a YouTube video in my room when I hear the front door being opened. From the way they open the door and closing it back, I can tell for sure that it's not my mom or my dad. Then a few seconds later, the door to my room opens a little bit.

"Hey," he says, peeking from the door.

"Hey come in!" I say. He then opens the door wider for him to come inside. "Come here!" I pat the bed next to me, signaling him to lay next to me.

He climbs up the bed and kisses my lips while laying next to me.

"How are you feeling? Does it still hurt?" He asks, wrapping his hand on top of me.

"No, it doesn't hurt anymore."

"See? I told you it'd go away. It's natural. Your body was just shocked."

"Yeah I guess."

"So, ready for round 2?" He smirks playfully.

"Shut up!" I laugh, smacking a pillow right in his face.

It looks like today is gonna be one of those lazy days where we just lay in bed and watch YouTube or Netflix for the entire day.

I continue watching that YouTube video I've been watching. He puts his hand on top my stomach, hugging me, while also kinda burying half his face into my neck and watches the video with me in that position. He kisses my neck every so often, causing shivers down my spine. We spend like a good 2 hours in that position.

But then my neck starts to get really tired from leaning to one side for too long. I drop my phone on the bed next to me and sit up, stretching a bit.

"I'm hungry," I say as I stretch.

"Then eat something."

"I kinda want pizza. Do you want pizza?" I ask, looking back at him who is still laying on my bed with one hand behind his head and the other just laying there on his stomach.


Then I notice my phone is at 8% because I forgot to charge it last night. I reach to my night stand to find my charging cable but it's not there. Then I look around my room, trying to locate the cable. Ah, there it is on my vanity. I don't know how it got there.

I get off my bed and walk to my vanity, grabbing the cable. That's when I notice something in the mirror.

There's a reddish purple mark on my neck. Oh no. I got away with telling my mom that I fell from Josh's skateboard when I couldn't walk 2 days ago but what am I gonna tell her about this?

"Josh you gave me a hickey!"

"Shit, sorry!"

"If my mom sees this she's gonna kill me!"

It's actually not about the actual hickey itself. It's about the fact that the hickey is a conversation starter. She's gonna start asking me about how I got it and stuff and she's definitely gonna go there. And I can't lie to my mom!

"Well... How about covering it with make up?"

"I don't know... It's so dark I don't think I can cover it with concealer!"

I try moving my shirt to somehow cover it. The hickey is actually a little low so I can still cover it with my shirt. But if I move around, you can still see it.

God I'm hungry. You know what, I'll deal with this later. My mom is not home anyway. I'm gonna order my pizza.

I charge my phone and order a pepperoni pizza. It says it's gonna be here in about 20 minutes. While waiting, I try covering that hickey with concealer. The color is definitely not as bright and as eye catching as before, but it's still pretty visible.

After trying on different things, I finally give up. No matter what I do, you can still see it. Forget it. I'll just cover it with my shirt.

After waiting for another 10 minutes, our pizza is finally here!

We just eat it inside my room while watching some more YouTube videos and talking about random stuff.

Then, I hear noises coming from downstairs. My mom's home. I start to panic.

"Oh no. She's gonna kill me!"

"Hey. Relax. She's not gonna see it."

"But what if she does?"

"Hey. It's just a hickey. You're safe if she doesn't continue to ask you questions. So if she points out about the hickey, distract her! Ask her about things!"

"Okay but what if she continues to ask me questions?"

"You're overthinking."

"But what if she does?"

"Hey..." He puts his hand on my thigh and start rubbing it. "Even if she finds out, she's not gonna kill you. It was just an experience that eventually everyone is gonna experience. And we used protection, remember? There's nothing for you to be scared about."

I mean yeah I guess he's right. It happens to everyone, right? I guess even if she finds out, she'll understand. Not to mention I did it with Josh, the only guy she trusts.

We spend the rest of the day in my room just watching movies and cuddling. I haven't stepped out of my room since my mom gets home because I don't know I'm just so paranoid.

And Josh has been really clingy today. Usually when we cuddle, he's always the one who cuddles me. Like he always has his arms around me and I'd be laying on his chest while we watch a movie but today, he's laying beside me with his head rested on my shoulder and burying his face in the crook of my neck. My one arm goes underneath his neck while I play with his curly hair and the other is caressing his arm that's just casually resting on my stomach.

He looks so cute burying his face like that. I love it.

At one point when we were in the middle of watching a movie, I can't focus on anything my laptop is showing and I can't help but stare at his cuteness. A few seconds later when he's finally aware that I've been staring at him, he looks up at me with the most adorable grin on his face.

That's when I lose it.

"Oh my god you're so adorable!" I say almost in like a crying tone. I move my hand from his arm to his face and rub his cheek with my thumb.

"I know," he replies with a playful smile plastered on his face.

I give him a soft kiss on the lips. So this is what it feels like when we kiss and he's the one cuddling me.

"I love you," he says after we break the kiss.

"I love you too."

This chapter is kinda short and boring but idk I just need to write this chapter. Anyway, I'm a little late but happy 4th of July!

I Think I Kinda, You Know | Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now