27 - Why?

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Shit. I forgot to put it inside the drawer.

"What's what?" I ask back, trying to act dumb.

He raises his hand, holding the box with only two fingers so I can see it better.

"Oh... That..." I walk around the bed to get closer to him. "It's my birthday present," I gulp.

"It's a fucking necklace. From Logan."

I remember that box has a little writing that says 'Logan'.

I just stay silent. I don't know what to answer.

"You've been hanging out with him?" His voice raises in pitch.

I still don't say anything.

"I went to Utah for 5 months and what? You didn't have a guy friend to be with you all the time so you just sold me out to Logan?"

"I did not sell you out!"

He's getting madder and madder. I should've told him about Logan. I should've told him everything and this wouldn't happen.

"You promised. You promised not to hang out with that asshole!"

"Joshy he's not as bad as we thought he was-"

"Oh so you're on his side now?"


He rolls his eyes and takes a deep breath. "How long?"


"How long have you been hanging out with him?"

"We started talking since you left for Utah. But we only saw each other a few times-"

"And you didn't even bother to tell me about it? Instead you just kept it a secret?"

I messed up. I fucking messed up.

"We promised to never have secrets between us when we were little and now you decided to break that promise?"

I remember exactly that day. The day we promised to each other to never have secrets.

It was the year 2009. We were sitting on a bench at this small park near our houses. It was almost sunset. Our moms are talking to each other from far away. We were just sitting there looking at the beautiful orange sky.

He stuck out his pinky. "No secrets?"

I wrap my pinky around his. "No secrets."

"Look. I wanted to tell you. But I knew you'd react this way!"

"He's a fucking womanizer!"

"I know it sounds crazy but hear me out. He's actually a nice guy. He's not a player like we both thought he was!"

"You don't know that!"

"It was all lies! Everything we knew about him, none of them was true! He told me everything. The truth. The real thing. He is not a player. He's actually the one who got played by all of those girls!"

"And you believe everything he said? He's only playing tricks on you! He's making it look like he's the innocent one so he could win another girl! So he could win you!"

"But he can't! Because guess what? I'm not interested in him! And he wasn't trying to hit on me. He was just trying to be a good friend. And you wouldn't know that because everytime he came closer to me you'd always get in his way because you were too scared that he was gonna hurt me!"

It's true. Everytime he gets closer to me, Josh would always get in his way and he'd always tell me that Logan was trying to hit on me. After I thought about it, I think it was just a mindset that Josh put inside of me. He would always say to me that Logan was trying to hit on me and I should stay away from him because he's a player and he doesn't want me to get hurt by him. But like we don't know that! We don't know that because Josh never gave him a chance! It's like Logan did something wrong to Josh and now he hates him so much and doesn't want the both of us to get anywhere near him.

I Think I Kinda, You Know | Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now