32 - Vanilla Ice Cream pt. 2

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We end up actually making the vanilla ice cream. I already mixed all of the ingredients. Yeah, that's right. I mixed it this time. We didn't want it splattering everywhere again.

"Okay so now we need to put it in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Then take it out and beat it with the mixer, and then back in the freezer for another 30 minutes," I say out loud as I read the instructions.

"That's a long time! I don't have that kind of patience! It'd be better if we go out and get ice cream instead!"

"It'll be worth it. And besides, making home made ice cream is a lot more fun than just buying it. Tastes better too!"

I put the bowl of ice cream in the freezer.

"Now while we're at it, let's bake something to pass the time. What do you wanna make?" I ask.

"Well... I'm kinda craving for some cookie right now."

"Oh yeah it's been a while since I made cookie! Let's do chocolate chip cookie how 'bout that?"

"Let's do it!"

I actually have a recipe that my mom and I always use when making chocolate chip cookie. It's simple, but always end up tasting really good.

We start by preparing the ingredients and other things like the bowls. That's when I realize that my mom already used all the chocolate chips last week when she made chocolate cake. But I found some dark chocolate laying around.

"It seems like we're making chocolate chunk today. I forgot that my mom used all the chocolate chips last week," I say as I'm holding the chocolate bar.

"It's better. Chocolate chips are overrated!"

We start measuring and putting the dry ingredients into a bowl. We're literally the messiest people ever. Two seconds in and we already have flour all over everywhere.

"We'll clean this later," Josh says after realizing how messy the kitchen is at this point.

Then we mix the wet ingredients. We still get stuff everywhere, especially when Josh tried to pour the vanilla extract into the measuring spoon and he accidentally poured too much and ended up spilling it everywhere.

We mix the wet and dry ingredients together. Just after we're done mixing, the timer on my phone goes off, which means we need to take our ice cream out of the freezer.

"Thirty minutes! We need to take the ice cream out," I say as I open the freezer.

"Is it done yet?" Josh asks, sounding like an inpatient little kid.

"Not yet. We need to beat it and put it back in the freezer for another 30 minutes!" I put the bowl on the empty space of the island. It still looks pretty liquidy, but it's thicker than before.

Josh, who's standing next to me, out of nowhere just dips his finger take a quick taste test of the ice cream.


"Mmm yeah that's really good," he says as he pulls his finger out of his mouth. I roll my eyes.

I beat the ice cream for a little bit and put it back in the freezer.

We finish the cookie dough and lay them on a pan with baking sheet. Then we put it in the oven to bake.

We start cleaning up the kitchen. Just a few minutes later, the timer on my phone goes off again and the ice cream is ready!

"Is it ready now?"

"It looks like ice cream to me. Hold on let me get a smaller bowl."

I grab two small bowls and two spoons for us to eat the ice cream.

We scoop some into our bowl and start eating it.

"It's a little too sweet but it actually tastes pretty good," I say.

"Delicious. Best vanilla ice cream ever," Josh says, taking one of the store bought ice cream cones on the counter and scoops some ice cream into the cone. "This is really good. I like it."

"See? I told you making homemade ice cream is better!"

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"See? I told you making homemade ice cream is better!"

"Hey, do you remember that time in like third or fourth grade when we went to this amusement park, and we bought ice cream..."

I already know what he's talking about. "Oh my god!"

"...and then I accidentally dropped my ice cream all over your shirt and you started crying!"

"I remember! Oh my god! That's so funny! And you didn't stop saying 'I'm sorry!'"

"I felt bad. But do you know what actually made me feel bad? It was because you kept saying 'it's okay', but you were still crying when you said it!" He laughs.

I burst out laughing too. "I was trying to make you feel less bad!"

"Well that didn't work out!"

It actually happened. He dropped his ice cream all over my shirt. We actually had to go to like the merchandise store there and buy a new shirt because my shirt was all cold and wet.

We finish our bowl of ice cream. And just right after that, the oven beeps. The cookie is ready.

"I got it," he says, walking towards the oven and taking the cookie out.

It smells good. Smells like my childhood.

We let it cool for a little while and we continue to clean the kitchen. Then, it's time to actually taste the cookie.

Josh already ate a few of them while I was still cleaning. It's just not fair. He was sitting there eating cookie while I had to finish cleaning otherwise my mom is gonna yell at me.

"You were supposed to help me!"

"I did! But I finished before you did!"

Like I always say, he's not Josh if he's not annoying.

The cookie ends up being really good. We also get creative by putting the ice cream on top of the cookie and it tastes like heaven.

We spend the rest of the day just cuddling and watching some movies while eating the cookies and ice cream that we made. I love it when we cuddle. I can never get enough of the small soft rubs he gives when we cuddle. It's the best feeling in the world.

This one is kinda short and boring but I'm working on the next chapter and it involves the HSMTMTS cast ;)). Anyone wanna take a guess on what's gonna happen?

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