47 - It's That Time of The Month Again!

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It's the beginning of October and guess what... It's that time of the month again because I've been having cramps since 3 days ago.

You probably don't care but my period cramps are usually so painful. Like... Really painful. And I know period cramps are actually painful to most people but none of my girl friends feel as much pain as I do when it comes to period cramps. Like when we're hanging out together and someone in the group is acting a little different like they're not as chatty and when someone else asks what's wrong she's like 'oh I'm fine it's just today is my first day of period and I'm kinda having cramps right now' and two seconds later she's already laughing with the rest of us. Like how?! I'm so fucking jealous! When I have cramps I lock myself in my bedroom, curl myself into a ball, and start crying because it's just too painful and also because I'm emotionally unstable.

Yes, I do have low pain tolerance and that's why period cramps are so painful to me.

Now Josh has been in all period stages in my life. Starting from when I first had my period when I literally couldn't stop crying because of how painful and uncomfortable it was and how I kept going to the bathroom every 5 minutes and spending like 10 minutes inside there, to all of the PMS symptoms like unstable mood swings, unhealthy amount of eating, cramps, getting acnes and pimples all over my face, and even more crying.

One time when I was still getting used to all of this, I yelled at him trying to comfort me and I kicked him out of my room. I even kicked him in the nuts once because I wanted to "show him how painful period cramps are". All he did was comforting me but I guess I was so stressed out and I was tired with how painful it was. I couldn't control my emotion and I just let it all out and that happened. God I feel very sorry for him that he had to be in all of those situations.

But Josh is actually the only person who has been in all of those situations. And he's a guy, which makes it a little weird. But he's always been there for me, even before we started dating. He would bring me chocolate bars and other snacks to make me feel better. He would get me ice cream or even chicken nuggets from McDonald's. He would try his best to make me laugh and forget about the pain that I'm feeling. That is one of the many reasons why I love him.

It is Sunday today and I wake up this morning in Josh's room with him still sleeping next to me. We spent the entire day in his house yesterday. I originally wasn't planning on spending the night here but I think I fell asleep so here I am now.

I wake up with this excruciating pain in my lower abdomen. I've had it since last night but today the pain is much worse.

I curl myself into a ball with my hand on my stomach.

I stay in that position for a couple of minutes until I can't take it anymore. I need to wake him up.

"Josh..." I whisper while shaking him. "Joshy wake up!"

"Huh? What? You okay?" He speaks in his raspy morning voice. His eyes are still half closed.

"It hurts."

"What hurts?" He asks, rubbing his eyes and turning his body to me.

"I have period cramps."

"Mmmhh baby..." He exhales then puts his hand on my stomach, rubbing it gently.

He's still half a sleep at this point.

"Joshy..." I whimper.

"Hey ssshh... Come here." He moves closer to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Joshy it hurts..." I whimper against his shirt.

"I know baby... I'm sorry," he says in his raspy voice while still rubbing my stomach. "Here how about I make you a hot cup of tea to make you feel better?"

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