9 - Goodbye

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It's February 9th. Today is the day. Joshua is going to Salt Lake City to film High School Musical: The Musical: The Series. I'm so excited for Josh, but also sad that I won't be able to see him for the next 5 months or so.

It's Saturday morning. Around 10 am. Right now I'm at Joshy's house, helping him to pack some last minute stuff and while also spending time together as much as we can. Right now, there's only his parents, Ashley, and Claire in the house.

I'm sitting on his bed. His room is a little messy. Thing are all over everywhere. His luggage is opened on the floor overflowing with his clothes. He's in the bathroom right now, probably packing for toiletries. He then comes back with a little pouch in his hand.

"Where did I put my toothbrush?" He's standing in the doorway, scratching the back of his head as he looks around, hoping to find the toothbrush.

"It wasn't in the bathroom?" I ask.

"I've checked every corner."

"Maybe you dropped it somewhere?"

"I don't know. I've looked everywhere."

"Maybe you're not looking hard enough?" I stand up and start looking under his clothes on the bed and under everything that's on his bed.

He sighs. "You know what. CLAIRE!!" He shouts while looking out of his room. "CLAIRE DO YOU HAVE A SPARE TOOTHBRUSH?"

He does that to Claire a lot since she's his little sister. His only little

He then leaves the his room again, I'm assuming to Claire's room. He comes back only a minute later with a new toothbrush in his hand and puts it in the little pouch.

He throws the pouch on the bed and ruffles his hair. He lets out a deep sigh and flops down onto the bed.

"I'm sooo tired," he groans.

Yeah, you can totally see that he's tired. He got bags under his eyes. He's been packing for the last... I don't know... 4 days?

"You should take a break. It's still like 10 am you can still take a quick nap."

"I'm leaving today. I'm not gonna spend my last hours just taking a nap."

"But you need to. You look like a panda with those eye bags!"

"I can't sleep. I couldn't sleep. I've been thinking too much." He is staring blankly at the ceiling.

This is literally the only thing I hate about Josh. He's an overthinker. He lost 5 nights of sleep one time just because he overthought about one stupid thing.

"You really need to stop overthinking everything. Seriously."

"It's just..." He sits up. "What if... What if they don't like me? O- Or if I can't do my best? And you won't be there when I need someone to talk to and give me pep talks when I'm all nervous-"

"Joshy! They're gonna like you! You're like the coolest, funniest, the most caring person I know. And if at the end of the day you feel like you need someone to talk to, I promise I'm always gonna be one call away when you need me."

He just takes a deep breath and remains silent. Then I remember something.

"Oh here..." I reach in my pocket to take a very small keychain that I have. It's one of the keychains I bought from Disneyland. It's just this small plush Mickey Mouse keychain. It's only like the size of a Lego mini figure, but it's squishy and soft.

"I bought this from Disneyland. Just... Use it when you're nervous. Usually when I'm nervous I always have a little plush like this to hold inside my hand." I continue.

I Think I Kinda, You Know | Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now