34 - Picnic pt. 2

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After spending a good 10 minutes on just deciding where to go, we all finally agree to go bowling. Yes, the one thing I suck at. Now I get to embarrass myself in front of all the others.

Sofia, Liv, Candace, and I are riding in Josh's car, while the others are riding in Matt's.

Okay I need to talk about Candace. Sure she looks so perfect like she literally has no flaw, but this girl is giving me a weird vibe. She's very quiet. And she only ate one sandwich and like 2 pieces of grapes. Is she on a diet or something? I swear this girl is weird. And I don't know if it's just me being so paranoid, but I swear she didn't stop looking at Josh the entire time. She was sitting there, without even saying a single word, with eyes glued to my boyfriend. My. Fucking. Boyfriend. Like what the fuck? And let's not forget the fact that she actually knows that he has a girlfriend. She knows that we're dating because literally everyone brought it up every 5 seconds but she didn't stop staring at him. It makes me wanna slap her in the face. And that bitchy slutty face of hers just makes me wanna do it twice as hard.

"Alright girls, ready to go?" Josh asks. Then I realize that he's the only guy in the car.

"Let's go!" Sofia says excitedly.

We go to the nearest bowling alley, which is around 15 minutes away.

We mostly just laugh during our ride there. Candace starts to talk every once in a while, although her voice is so soft and quiet and we can't even hear her most of the time.

15 minutes of laughter later, we arrive at the alley. We wait for a little while inside the car because Matt and the others aren't here yet. A few minutes later Matt's car parks next to ours and we all get inside. After paying and stuff we all go to our lane.

I immediately sit down on the bench. I hope they'll have too much fun playing and forget about my turn. I really don't wanna embarrass myself.

Josh notices me sitting here alone while everyone else is over there deciding on the turns. He starts walking towards me.

"Alright who wants to go first?" Matt asks. "Josh?"

He turns around. "Nah you can go first, Matt."


He continues to walk to me again and sits down next to me.

"Hey. You okay?" He puts one hand around my back and start rubbing my arm.

"Of course I am. Why'd you ask?"

"I don't know. You're sitting here alone."

"Well... Everyone's excited to play. I'm just not as excited," I explain.

"Why? Are you not having fun?"

"No! Of course I am. It's just... You know I suck at bowling."

"So? Everyone here sucks at bowling. We're just here to have fun!"

Yeah of course everyone here sucks at bowling. Including Matt and Julia who both just got a strike on their first throw. Even Candace, the quiet one, got a strike.

"C'mon. You're not gonna sit here alone while the others are having fun. I swear you're gonna regret not having fun today," he says.

"I don't wanna embarrass myself in front of the others."

"You are not embarrassing yourself."

"Guys! I don't mean to interrupt your cute moment but it's you guys' turns now!" Frankie shouts.

"Did everyone else already go?" He asks.

"Yes, Joshua. Now are you playing or not?"

He stands up. "Yeah just... Hold on a sec!" He faces back to me. "C'mon!" He says as he hands out his hand.

"But I'm only gonna cheer you guys up. I'm not playing."

"Whatever you say."

I take his hand and we both walk towards the lane.

He takes one of the balls and takes a few steps back.

Everyone already knows that he's gonna get a strike.

Everyone already knows that he's gonna get a strike

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Yeah. Literally everyone saw that coming.

"Rachel come on! It's your turn!" Liv says.

"Um I think I'll pass. You guys go ahead."

"Are you kidding? Come on you should take your turn!" Liv still insists.

"It's okay, you guys go ahead. I can't really play anyway."

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"She'll play on my next turn. I'll share my turn with her. We'll be a team," Josh chimes in.

I am certainly not doing it, Joshua.

"Okay then," Liv says and turns away.

I look at Josh and give him the why-did-you-say-that-I'm-not-doing-whatever-you-said look.

Everyone takes their next turn. Then it's Josh's turn, which means it's my turn.

I'm literally standing behind everyone. Suddenly Josh grabs my wrist and pulls me to the front.

Everyone's cheering my name and I just smile shyly. Guess now I have no other choice then to actually take my turn. Well, technically his turn.

"I literally suck at bowling!"

"C'mon you can do it!" Sofia says.

I take one of the balls and just try my best not to embarrass myself. I look at Josh and he nods at me. I take a few steps back before pacing forward and then throw the ball.

To my surprise, the ball doesn't roll to the edge of the lane like it always happens when I throw the ball. It rolls further and further until it reaches the end and knocks over 3 pins.

"You did it!" I hear Josh's voice from behind me. I turn around and two arms wrap around my body. We pull away and do a high five. "See? There's nothing to be embarrassed about!"

We continue playing for the next few hours until we all kinda get tired. We're all sitting on the sitting right now, just taking a break.

"Hey guys, Madi is throwing a party tonight at her house. Do you guys wanna go?" Liv asks while holding her phone.

"That'd be dope!" Matt says.

"Yeah sure why not?" Sofia says.

Josh and everyone else agree to go. And I'm sitting here hoping that someone would explain who this Madi girl is.

"Rachel, are you coming? Oh Madi is my friend by the way. Madison Hu," she explains.

"Uh yeah, sure," I reply.

We spend some more time here until we decide to leave.

This one is kinda short, but this is just a filler chapter for the next chapter I'm working on. Get ready cause it's about to get a little steamy ;))

I Think I Kinda, You Know | Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now