Chapter twenty

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The next week went by quickly. The stares Faith got were getting less and less, much to Malfoy's displease, and there weren't people getting up to her while she was in the library to ask her if she and Harry had a thing anymore. Faith did get a worried letter from her parents concerning the article but she explained that is was just that nosy reporter.

Hagrid didn't show up that week even though they knocked to come by multiple times. He didn't open the door. 

That weekend the students were allowed to go to Hogsmeade but it didn't turn out to be very fun. They came across Rita Skeeter in the Three Broomsticks and Faith, Harry and Hermione yelled at her so they were expecting another nice article about the three of them. 

After Hogsmeade, Hermione had it and yelled at Hagrid's door until Professor Dumbledore opened it. They comforted Hagrid and Dumbledore told them that she was banned from the Hogwarts grounds so she couldn't get any more stuff on them. After that, Hagrid got back to teaching. 

Meanwhile, Harry had been saying to everyone who asked that he already knew the clue from the egg but Faith knew he was lying. He didn't try out Cedric's clue and he also didn't tell them what the clue was. And, as Faith expected, he asked her to take him to the Prefect's bathroom a few days later. 

They went Thursday night to make sure the bathroom would be empty. At first, Harry told her he just wanted to sit on the edge of the pool and see what the egg would do but Faith told him how cool and relaxing the pool was and convinced him to put swimming trunks on under his clothes.

"How do you even know about the pool? We're not allowed there," Harry whispered when they were strolling through the corridors, Marauder's Map in the hand, Egg under the other. 

"Cedric lets me," Faith whispered back. "It's right here," Faith whispered the password 'Pine-Fresh' like Cedric told them and went in. They closed the door behind them and took off the Invisibility Cloak. The room was lit by a chandelier full with candles, right above the white, marble pool. One side of the pool had a lot, about a hundred, golden taps, all with different jewels and gemstones. Above the wall side of the pool was a golden-framed painting of a sleeping mermaid. 

Faith immediately went to the taps and opened the ones she always really liked and it didn't take long before Harry joined her. They tested out each tap until the pool was filled with nice smelling water and covered with a thick layer of snow-white foam. 

Harry was just putting his stuff and two towels on the pool's side when he saw Faith shoot past him and dive into the deep pool. He saw a small pile of clothing a bit behind him. Faith swam a lap underwater before coming back up to breathe. She saw Harry just getting in and then they swam a few laps together. 

After a bit they both got to the edge where the Egg was and stared at it, hoping for a sudden brilliant idea but nothing came.

"I don't get it," Harry mumbled. He moved his foam covered hands to open the egg but the same screaming sound came from it so Faith quickly told him to close it before her ears started to bleed. 

"I'd try putting it in the water, if I were you," A voice suddenly said. Faith's eyes widened and she looked around until she saw the ghost of a girl sitting on the taps. 

"Myrtle!" Harry exclaimed in shock.

"Who?" Faith asked but Harry and the ghost ignored her. Why was she here? 

"You haven't been to see me for ages," Myrtle said, blinking from behind her big specs. 

"Yeah ... well ..." Harry tried to find his words. "I'm not supposed to come into your bathroom, am I? It's a girls' one," Faith had no idea what was going on at this point. 

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now