Chapter seventy

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For the entirety of the Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, Hermione was trying to get Harry off the idea of breaking into Umbridge's office and talking to Sirius. She had already given up on Faith, knowing there had never been something Faith changed her mind about, except for the truth about Sirius of course. Hermione decided it was much better to talk Harry out of it and let him convince Faith than the other way around. 

Ron was not going to voice his opinion on the matter. At one point he even tried to have Hermione leave Harry alone so she wouldn't get in trouble for talking during Umbridge's lesson. 

When they exited the classroom after the bell rang, their hearts were beating in their throats. They were nervous but more with adrenaline than anxiety. Then, they heard the sounds of the diversion go off, somewhere in the distance. It was the floor shaking a little before it calmed down again. Umbridge came rushing out of her classroom, wand raised, and hurried down the steps as fast as her little legs could take her. 

It was now or never. 

"Harry - please!" Hermione pleaded softly but he didn't listen. 

He turned around and hurried the other way towards Umbridge's office, Faith following closely behind. The corridor to Umbridge's office was deserted. They hid behind a big armour suit and pulled the Invisibility Cloak over their bodies. Harry had Sirius's knife ready to be used, and they slowly snuck along the corridor until they reached the door. 

Harry stuck the knife in the lock and wiggled it around until they heard a click. The door swung open to reveal the office. No one was there. Faith closed the door behind them as Harry pulled the Invisibility Cloak off. 

"Here's the Floo Powder," Harry called quietly when he noticed the small box, propped on the fireplace. The two sat down on their knees in front of the fire as Harry threw a pinch of Floo Powder, not too much that Umbridge would notice, into the fire. The flames turned emerald green.

"Number twelve, Grimmauld Place!" Harry and Faith both said, loud and clear. Harry learned from the last time he used Floo Powder and ended up in a completely different place. 

They stuck their heads into the flames and felt them spin through the network of wizarding fireplaces all across the country. It was a weird and unpleasant sensation, their knees were still on the floor of Umbridge's office but their heads spun around. 

Then, suddenly, they opened their eyes and saw the spinning had stopped. They looked up from the fireplace in Grimmauld Place into the old kitchen.

"Sirius?" Harry called. A man that sat at the dinner table jumped up, but it wasn't Sirius.

"Harry! Faith!" Lupin exclaimed. "What are you - what's happened, is everything all right?"

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "We just wondered - I mean, we just fancied a - a chat with Sirius,"

"I'll call him,' Lupin leapt to his feet, still looking utterly confused, "he went upstairs to look for Kreacher, he seems to be hiding in the attic again ..."

Lupin left the room which left Harry and Faith to look at the chair and table legs. Their knees were already uncomfortable and hurting due to the stone floor in Umbridge's office. 

"I don't even know how to start," Harry mumbled and Faith smiled at him.

"I'll start, OK?"

Harry nodded.

Sirius and Lupin arrived moments later. 

"What is it?" Sirius asked in a hurried voice as he swept his long dark hair from his face and kneeled down on the kitchen floor to be on their eye-level. "Are you all right? Do you need help?"

Faith .|. H. J. POTTER ✔Where stories live. Discover now