𝙸. Chapter 9 "Stark's not crazy"

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South Korean Market Place

Seoul, South Korea

"What took you so long?" Pietro questions when he spots Sarah in the Korean market

"It's not like I can teleport directly to your location," She remarks.

"She is right Pietro," Wanda says with a smile, their smiles fade when they spot the news on the television, Ultron was fighting Captain America on a moving truck.

Turning to Sarah, Pietro asks, "What do you want to do?"

"We can't let Ultron win," Staring off to the distance she continues, "Even if it means we have to put our vengeance aside, we can't let Ultron control earth." Thinking about how much the Twins wanted to Avenge their parent's death and how much she wanted her father to pay for the life she had with Hydra.

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Seoul, South Korea

Pietro manages to knock Ultron into the cabin door, and before he can retaliate, Sarah teleports in with Wanda at her side. Wanda uses her powers and bends the bagage railing to block him.

Captain America looks behind him and watches the confrontation.

"Please." Ultron scoffs. "Don't do this,"

"You didn't give us much of a choice," Sarah says, Ultron responds by firing a beam, the heat dissipates the bagage rails quickly leaving the rest of the beam to go through the front of the train.

Ultron flys off to retrieve his body.

"I lost him he's headed your way," Captain America says into his comms before hurdling over the train's seats and made his way to the front of the train.

Sarah beats him to it, teleporting herself to the conductor, who's unconscious. Captain America rushes to his side, "He's unconscious, the control panel is definitely fried. We won't be able to stop the train, Manually at least," Sarah says, causing them to simultaniously look out hole that Ultron's beam had made to see the train's track was ending.

"Cap, you've seen nat?"

Hawkeye says through the comm piece as Natasha manages to slide the Cradle into the Quinjet, but not before Ultron gets a hold of her.

"If you have the package get it to stark, Go!" Steve says. The Cradle is the top priority.

"Do you have eyes on Nat?" Clint asks  once more.

Taking one look out the train's side window, "GO!" Steve roars through his comms.

Clint has no choice, but to comply, Clint tenses up, "Damn it," he whispers before he flys the quinjet to stark.

Steve looks to Pietro and Sarah, and says, "Civilians in our path," Sarah nodded in agreement, understanding that Captain America wanted them to use their powers to get the people out of the way. Steve then turns to Wanda, "Can you stop this thing?"

She looked uncertain, but there wasn't time to waste. Captain America looked out the front of the car as the train roared to the end of the track, it slides and crashes through the barrier, plowing the streets crushing any debris in its path, The people on the street were moved out of the way by Pietro and Teleported out the way by Sarah, they moved faster than anyone could see.

Cap hunched behind his shield, deflecting debris that flew in through the front of the car so it didn't hit any of the passengers inside.

"In my Vision," Steve calls to Wanda, "Peggy was pregnant and I saw a little girl,"

"If you want to ask me the reason you saw those things, I don't know why,"

"The thing is, I didn't find out I had a daughter till about an hour ago, so you must've had something to do with it."

There was metal shriek behind him as Wanda froze the train's wheels. Her scarlet energies flowed along with the train's axles and boiled out from underneath it. The train tore along the street for hundreds of yards before coming to rest.

Captain America got out alongside Wanda. Passengers were streaming out and getting away as fast as they could.

Sarah stood next to Pietro, he was bent over at the waist, breathing hard. As Wanda came to their side, "I'm fine. I just need a minute." he tells her.

"I'm very tempted not to give you one," Captain America replies walking up to the Trio

Now that everything was over Wanda asks, "The cradle. Did you get it?"

"Stark will take care of it."

This alarms the twins, "No, he won't!" Sarah says,

"You don't know what you're talking about," he says, "Stark's not crazy, he—"

"He will do anything to make things right," Wanda says, and the realization hits Captain America. Wanda holds Steve's gaze, "Stark, come in," he said into the comm. "Is anyone on comms?" he asks once more

"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it," Wanda said, pressing her point. "Where do you think he gets that?"



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