V. Chapter 107: "Where are they?!"

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Helipad, LexCorp

Metropolis, Deleware

Lois looks towards the gunman in front of her. Following the gesture of his gun, Lois steps off the helicopter, realizing she's now on the rooftop of the Lexcorp building in Metropolis.

She watches as the Helicopter flies away.

"Plain Lo in the morning. Lola in slacks." Lex announces and Lois hesitantly steps towards him, "Lois Lane, " he grins, "Mmm. Come see the view!" he closes the distances wrapping an arm around her.

She tries to sliver away, but it only causes him to tighten his grip. "Mnnnmm," escapes his lips as he shakes his head. Lex guides her to the ledge, "Now the secret to the height is the building material...It's light metals which sway a bit in the wind,"

Lois looks away in annoyance, Lex stands infront of her desperatly trying to draw in her attention again, "You know  something about LexCorp metals, don't you, Miss Lane?" he questions.

Annoyed, Lois glared at the man and wanted nothing more than to push him off this building and say it was an accident.

"I've proven what you've done," Lois says intetative to tick him off, but he seems to enjoy it.

"Wow, you're feisty," he whispered. "Unfortunately, that will blow away. Like sand in the desert."

"You're psychotic," Lois tells him.

"That is a three-syllable word for any thought too big for little  minds," he plucks Lois' foreheade, " Hmm. Next category,circles. Round and round and round..." Lex  says as he circles around Lois, "They go to find Superman...Wrong category" he growls at himself, "boy. No, no, triangles...Yes, Euclid's triangle inequality," he exaims making his way behind Lois," The shortest distance  between any two points is a straight path," And I believe the straightest  path to Superman is a pretty little road..."

Lois tenses up. Almost antisipating Lex' next move she turns around. She lets out a gasp, feeling her feet moving closer to the edge, thanks to a little push caused by Lex.

She tries to grab onto something, even Lex Luthor, but it was all to late. Lois Lets out a blood-curdling scream, that could be heard for miles. Lucky for her someone happened to be flying by.

- ✦ -

Superman winces, A blood-curdling scream was picked up by his ears. Without losing a second, he rockets him self towards the scream. As soon as he appears underneath Lois, she knows she's going to be okay.

Kal lowers her to safety, "You're back," Lois says with a smile, after her feet hit the floor.

"I should've never left," he replies.

"Good, cause...P-P-Perry's been asking for you,"

Clark raises an eyebrow, "You're really talking about work?" Clark jokes.

"I think it's just the shock," Lois confirms with a nod.

Superman shoots up to the Roof of the LexCorp building, where Lex sits, "Boy, do we have problems up here!" he grins desperatly getting the kitchen timer started.

"The problem of-of evil in the world," he stampers to a standing position, "Ah...the problem of absolute virtue-"

"I'll take you in without breaking you," Superman growls, "Which is more than you deserve,"

"The problem of you," he yells pointing his injured hand at Superman, "On top of everything else! You above all!" He snarls, watching Superman as he slowly lowers himself down to the Helipad.

Instead of taking a step back, Lex takes one forward while saying, "Because that's what God is. Horus. Apollo. Jehovah. Kal-El. Clark. Joseph...Kent," Superman didn't seemed phased as he glares at Lex, stepping closer, until they're face to face.

Lex laughs, "See, what we call God depends upon our tribe, Clark-Joe. Because God is tribal. God takes sides. No man in the sky intervened when I was a boy to deliver me from Daddy's fist and abominations. Mmmnnmm," Shaking his head, "I figured out way back, if God is all-powerful, he cannot be all-good...and if he is all-good, then he cannot be all-powerful. And neither can you be," Lex snarled.

Superman stare at him, registering what he's saying, "They need to see the fraud you are. With their eyes. The blood on your hands,"

Lex shows Superman, his hand.

Kal stares at the bandaged hand, "What have you done?" he questions Lex in discust.

Lex smirks.

"Mmm. And tonight, they will...Yes. Because you, my friend, have a date! Hmm. Across the bay!" he yells stepping closer to the ledge a gleaming Batsignal shining against the night sky, "Ripe fruit, his hate. Two years growing. But it did not take much to push him over, actually. Little red notes, big bang. You let your family die" he mocks, "And now...you will fly to him. And you will battle him. To the death." Lex says, sadistically. "Black and blue. Fight Night! The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world. God versus man," A thunder roars in the distance, "Day versus night. Son of Krypton versus Bat of Gotham."

Superman snears after lex finishes his pychotic monologue, "You think I'll fight him for you?" he questions.

Lex smiles gleefully, deep down however, it was dark and cruel, "Hmm...yes I do!" he giggles, "I think you will fight-fight-fight for those special lad-'ies' in your life!"

Thinking Lex is refering only about Sarah, he replies, "She's safe," he replies, then questions, "How about you?"

Lex raises on eyebrow, "Are you sure?" he questions mockingly, "Have you checked in on 'them' lately? and when I say 'them' I'm also talking about your mother,"

Superman expression turns dark.

"Every boy's special lady is his mother, but 'I' know that Clark Kent has another 'special lady' in his life and her name is Sarah. Michelle. Carter. Rogers." With the mention of each name Lex tossed a polaroid picture on the Helipad floor.

With wide eyes, Superman fell to his knees, finding pictures of not only his mother, but Sarah as well.

"Martha, Martha, Martha. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah." Lex says in a sang-song.

Clark grips the images, His eyes burn with his heat vision before looking up at Lex, "Where are they?!" he roars only able to contain his rage for so long.

Jumping with fright, "I don't know! I would not let them tell me!" He explaims, "Nnnnna," he says waving his finger infront of Superman's flaming eyes, "...if you kill me, they die!"And if you fly away, mmm, they also dies. 'But' if you kill the Bat...Martha and sarah live" he whispers.

Superman was torn. His eyes no longer burning with heat, "There we go. There we go. Hmm." Lex mutters, patting Clark's head, "And now God bends to my will,"

Clark slowly lifts his head.

A helicopter flies overhead and lex' smile burns brighter, "Ooh, now the cameras are waiting at your ship. For the world to see the holes in the holy. Yes, the Almighty comes clean about how dirty he is when it counts. To save Sarah and Martha, bring me the head of the Bat,"

As the Helicopter lands it blows away the Photographs of Martha and Sarah, "Mother of God, would you look at the time?" he questions pulling out the timer from his left pants pocket, "When you came here, you had an hour. Now it's less." he whispers slowly back tracking his steps towards his ride.

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