ii. Chapter 39: "You're the good cop now?"

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Bucky breaks the silence, "What's going to happen to your friends?" Bucky asks, Sarah glances up at him. 'Wanda and Clint' she realizes. not only them, but Natasha as well, 'there bound to found out what she did to help us,' the thought crosses her mind,

"Whatever it is," Steve answers firmly, "-I'll deal with it,"

"Are we worth all this?" Sarah questions the thought been on her mind since their team sacraficed everything for them to get away,

"How can you ask that? You're my daughter," Turning towards Bucky, "And you're my best friend. Whatever you two did all those years...It wasn't you. You didn't have a choice,"

"I know." Bucky answers,

"But, We still did it," Sarah finishes,

Sarah actions at the airport, saving Rhodey? it made tony question everything Steve said when they first began their confrontation. Something about 'the psychiatrist being behind all this,' so, Tony seeing if F.R.I.D.A.Y. can find any truth in Steve's words.

Natasha walks up to Tony, "How is he?" she asks.

"He's alive, Sarah saved him," Tony says,

"Still think you're on the right side?"

    Rolling eyes at her, "You weren't suppose to let them go Nat,"

"-We played this wrong,"

"....T'challa told ross what you did so, they're coming for you,"

"I'm not the one that needs to watch their back," she warns, glaring at him as she leaves at him as she walks away. Tony's watch began beeping, he taps it and is shown a picture, "What am I looking at, FRIDAY?"

"Priority upload from Berlin police."

Tony looks up, "Fire up the chopper" He says to F.R.I.D.A.Y. In realization that Steve seems to be right.

Tony sits inside his aircraft. He continues to go over the files FRIDAY showed him at the compound.

The storm outside raged as he flew over open water, he was heading to The Raft.

"The Task Force called for a psychiatrist as soon as Barnes and Rogers were captured. The UN dispatched Dr. Theo Broussard from Geneva within the hour. He was met by this man." FRIDAY says interrupting Tony's thoughts,

"Did you run facial recognition yet?" Tony asks

"What do I look like?" FRIDAY asks, the A.I. took it offensively.

Tony raises an eyebrow before replying, "Uh, I don't know. I've been picturing a red head,"

"You must be thinking of someone else," F.R.I.D.A.Y. answers.

"Must be," Tony held back a smirk.

"The fake doctor is actually Colonel Helmut Zemo, Sokovian Intelligence," Tony blows up the image, his gaze focused on the man, "Zemo ran Echo Skorpion, a Sokovian covert kill squad,"

"So what happened to the real Broussard?" He asks.

The screen changes to a man in a bathtub, "He was found dead in a Berlin hotel room, where police also found a wig and facial prosthetics approximating the appearance of one James Buchanan Barnes," Friday replies,

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