IV. Chapter 86: "Nothing is making sense right now,"

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Kent Farm

Smallville, Kansas

Sarah teleports in-front of the Kent farm's house, causing Martha to jump, "I'm so sorry," Sarah profusely apologizes.

"It's quite alright, I just wasn't expecting you, is all." Martha replies bending down to pick up a photo album. Martha skims through the memorabilia.

Sarah smiles when she notices some younf photes of Kal.

"Any embarrassing photos of Kal I should see before he arrives?" Sarah questions.

Kal lands, "Mom?" he calls.

"Dang it," Sarah whispers.

"I'm All right," Martha responds.

Kal walks up the stairs to the porch, "You know I have Super hearing, right?" Kal questions Sarah. Her eyes widen and He flashes her a smile.

 Her eyes widen and He flashes her a smile

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"So, You heard all that?"

"Yep," He responds, "You gonna have to know me a while longer if you wanna see those embarrassing photos," He softly whispers in her ear.

"Nice Suit, Son," Martha says embracing Kal in a much-needed hug.

"I'm so sorry," Kal mumbles.

"It's only stuff, Clark," Martha replies, "It can always be replaced,"

"But, you can't, ma'am," Sarah says.

"Ma'am?...call me Martha, Hun."

"Well, In that case," Sarah begins, Her mask dissolves revealing her identity to Martha, "You can call me Sarah,"

"Mom," Martha turns to face Kal when she reaches the last step, "Zod said this codex he's looking for can actually bring my people back,"

"Isn't that a good thing?" Martha questions.

A cop car pulls up the driveway, sirens blaring.

"I don't think they're interested in sharing this world,"

"Clark, Sarah...I know how to stop them,"


The Black Zero

Zod, Faora, Nam, and his soldiers make their defeated walk across one of The Black Zero's many connective bridges.

"What happened down there?" Jax-Ur asks.

"He exposed a temporary weakness," Zod says.

"It is of little consequence," Jax-Ur replies, "because I have located the Codex!"

All eyes turn to Jax, they let him continue, "It was never in the capsule. Jor-El took the Codex, the DNA of a billion people, then he bonded it within his son's individual cells. All of Krypton's heirs, living is hidden in one refuge's body."

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