ii. Chapter 32: "Underoos"

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Leipzig/Halle airport                                                                                           Germany                

Steve strides towards the helicopter, fully suited up in his Captain America uniform. Steve glanced around warily before he broke into a brisk run out of cover and towards the chopper.

Wanda and Hawkeye has the high ground. Sarah, Sam and Bucky were running past the consestion stands while redwing was searching for the Quinjet, Captain America was just the diversion good thing too because just before he got to the helicopter, Iron man disables it, a small gadget lands on the Helicopter, sending an electric current the short circuits the helicopter.

Steve slowly lifted his gaze to Iron man who is hovering over him.

Iron man lowers towards him, Rhodey following in suit Landing in front of Captain America.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" Tony sarcastically asks looking to Rhodey.

"Definitely weird," War Machine agrees.

When Tony removes his helmet he reveals the black eye he got from Bucky.

"Hear me out, Tony," Steve days interrupting their sarcastic banter, "That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this," Captain America begins to say before a there was a light thunk and a whooshing noise behind him, and Steve's shoulders tenses up as he turns to see the Black Panther landing to his right as he Bringa himself upright from his landing crouch, he keeps eyes trained on Captain American, "Captain," he greets.

"Your highness," Steve returns.

"Anyway," Tony cut in, and Steve turned back to him. "Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"

"You're after the wrong guys," Steve argues.

"Your judgment is askew, Of course it would be when your daughter is involved in something like this. your daughter, and Old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday,"

"There are five more winter soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't,"


Steve turned in some small surprise to hear the woman's voice, Natasha's green eyes trained on him, "You know, what's about to happen. Do you really want to punch your way out of this one?" She questions.

Steve slowly turned back to look at Tony, his gaze softening with sadness.

     "All right," Tony snaps, "I've run out of patience," Tony states cupping his hands around his mouth to yell, "Underoos," A web like substance takes the Shield out Captain America's grasp and before he knows it the web is also binding his hands tightly together. He lifted his head back up sharply, Seeing as something red and blue landing on top of a nearby truck with his shield.

"Nice job, kid," Tony compliments.

"Thanks," Spider-man replies, "-Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit... Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's-It's perfect. Thank you," Spider-man adds quickly not wanting to offend Iron man.

"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation," Tony remarks,

"Okay," Spider-man agrees holding his hand up in salute, the suits eyes land on Captain America, "Cap... Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man," He says and Natasha looks at him like he was strange, 'He's a kid' Steve thinks.

"Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just-" Tony mutters.

"Hey, everyone," Spider-man waves.

"-good job,"

"You've been busy," Steve smirks.

"And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep" He broke off, taking a deep and calming breath, "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart, "-I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart," He finishes.

"You did that when you signed," Steve retorts.

Tony's eyes went cold, "Alright, I'm done," Captain America tenses as Tony shouts sharply, "You're gonna turn your daughter and Barnes over and you're gonna come with us. Now! Because it's us!"

   "We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway," Sam says through comms.

Steve lifts his bound hands up, above his head. An arrow comes flying through the air, swiftly cutting through Steve's bonds. Tony's face hardens as he frenetically looks for the arrow's source, his helmet shielding him once more.

"Alright, Lang," Steve mutters in his comms, taking advantage of Iron man's distraction.

Spider-man feels the tiny movement traveling up his arm, his spidy senses going haywire, "Hey, guys...Something-"

He was cut off as Ant-man goes to his normal size, kicking Spider-man sharply in the chest as he did. The force of the blow sends the young hero flying backwards, dropping the shield as he does. Ant-man quickly grabs it darting off towards Captain America.

"Whoa. What-What the hell was that?" War Machine questions he's never seen anything like that.

"I believe this is yours, Captain America," Ant-man says reaching Steve handing him his shield

Tony sighs and says, "Oh, great," Annoyed, he runs a scan of the whole airport

"Alright, there's two on the parking deck. One of them is Maximoff, I'm going to grab her." He flew up swiftly, "You want to take Cap?" He asks Rhodey.

Rhodey nods before saying "Got three in the terminal, Wilson, Rogers, and barnes,"

"Barnes and Rogers are mine!" T'Challa says sharply as he swiftly starts to make his way towards them, which ever terminal they may be in.

Natasha pauses, while Captain America takes the opportunity to throw up his shield and hit Rhodey right in the chest, knocking him down a little.    

Steve ran off, after the Black Panther. Captain America quickly throws his shield at Black Panther's back, knocking him down, Before he could get all the way back up Captain America grabs him in a headlock and throws T'Challa back over his head.

The Black Panther lands in a crouch, slowly standing back up, facing Steve, "Move, Captain. I won't ask a second time," The Black Panther Snarles, Captain America tenses, gripping his shield tighter as The Black Panther jumps at him.

Captain America's Vibranium shield blocks T'Challa's powerful kicks.

- ✪ -

"Hey, Mr. Stark?" Spider-Man calls quickly, sounding very uncertain, "What should I do?"

    "What we discussed. Keep your distance. Web 'em up," Tony replies

"Okay, copy that!" Spider-man replies, Webbing way.

Sarah, Sam and Bucky are running through the terminal and they look up see Spider-man as her lands on the roof. Spider-man follows them by crawling, "What the hell was that?" Bucky questions,

"Everyone's got a gimmick now," Sam spat in response as they ran towards the hanger,

"Sarah, You can get us there, why are we running?"

"I can't teleport to a place I've never been or seen...What? you getting lazy or something?" She smiles towards Bucky,

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