141 - I didn't expect this // Tom Holland

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" And we have Y/N Y/L/N with us, so Y/N how are you? " Jimmy asks. 

" I'm doing amazing, and you know this whole thing has been an experience, " I say chuckling. 

" So... there has been so backlash recently can you explain? " He asks. 

" Yeah, so more and more people are finding out about my relationship. And I think everyone is like, 'they're 4 years apart, their relationship won't last' and I know a lot of people lately are like 'they're living together?' And for me, it's I'm 28 years old. I celebrated with Tom, Haz, Harry, and Tuwaine for my 28th birthday. And for me, I'm in a relationship that I am completely in love with the person I am with, and that just so happens to be someone who is 4 years younger than me. And there's no problem with that, " I comment. 

" And so for people who aren't aware, who are you talking about? " Jimmy asks. 

" I am in a relationship with Tom Holland. I have been in a relationship with him since for 2 years now. And I think just I will always get backlash of 'you need to find someone your age' and for that I'm in love with Tom, and I think that with everything he's the love of my life, " I tell him. 

" But Tom is with you right now right? " Jimmy asks. 

" Yes,  " I chuckle. 

" Can you bring him on? " Jimmy asks. 

" Tom! " I yell. He walks in. 

" Yes? " He asks. 

" Jimmy needs you, " I comment. He walks into view. 

" Hello, " Tom says. 

" Hi Tom, so Y/N and I are talking about you guys relationship. So what is some comments that you've gotten? " Jimmy asks. 

" I think for me is that how did you get Y/N Y/L/N to even look your way. And everything in between, I think for me I've been so luckily to have her in my life. I didn't expect to fall in love with her so hard, " Tom comments. " Which I know she's cringing cause of what I said, and it being really cheesy. But I didn't expect to fall in love with her so hard, " Tom adds. 

" That is absolutely adorable, " Jimmy comments. Which causes the both of us to chuckle. " Well is there anything in the future that might be happening? " Jimmy asks. 

" Currently no, him and I do want to go to Paris for a trip, " I comment. Tom walks away, and then he goes away and I continue to do the interview with Jimmy. 

After the interview I go to Tom and I's room. " That was probably the cheesiest thing you've said, " I comment chuckling. 

" Yeah I know, but that's something that I believe, " he tells him. 

" You didn't expect to fall so hard for me? " I ask chuckling. He nods. I walk over to him, and sit next to him. " I love you, " I add. 

" I love you too, " he chuckles. 

From everything that has happened. From the backlash that we've received. He's the man that I love, and yes I am 4 years older than him. I am still head over heels for him. And now I know that he feels the same about me. He means the world to me, and I can't imagine my life without him. 

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