Like A Beating Heart

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"If I had known sex was this amazing..."

Jimin and I were tangled together under his shimmery satin bedsheets, gradually lowering from the clouds as our bodies cooled down.

"You wouldn't have done a single thing differently because you were a frightened little boy that was afraid of himself," Jimin spoke bluntly, laying his head on my chest and stroking my feet with his toes.

"That... that is probably true..." I admitted regretfully, my brows twitching into a frown at how much of a stranger the person I was merely a few weeks ago had suddenly become.

"Jimin?" I asked when the boy gave up on tickling me and pouted in defeat. "Do you think you changed much after your first time?"

Jimin hummed before he began talking. "Not really..." He said at a reminiscing tone. "But changing isn't something I try to do very often... Taehyung surprised me after I had begged him for so long. Candles, rose petals, wine... horribly romantic really."

Jimin sighed. "All seventeen year old me really wanted him to do was take me in secret behind the house... but ofcourse he had to go and make it special..."

At first, I did not quite understand the edge of annoyance in Jimin's voice as he spoke, always one to think that most people would love it if their partners made them feel adored in that way. But then again, I knew very well that Park Jimin was not like anyone I'd ever met.

If the boy knew that love and happiness could't last long in his life, why would he want to experience it? He knew that every good moment he lived through would turn into a painful memory to remember one day... so why would he take advantage of his freedom?

My face fell as I finally understood. Jimin did not want to find the beauty of life. Of course he didn't. It would hurt too much once the time came to accept that he would never have times like that again.

Jimin suddenly looked up at me, his expression regretful. "I am sorry tesoro..." he said, his voice wavering. "I should have made it more siginificant... more memorable. If you had given yourself to Taehyung first he would've been better at-"

I grabbed Jimin's chin and brought his face closer to mine, kissing his lips to stop him from talking.

I wasn't letting the boy doubt one of the few moments in my life that I would never want to forget.

Jimin's eyes lingered shut after our kiss ended as if he wished it could've lasted longer.

"I am rambling... aren't I?" He said when he looked at me again, his light growing feeble.

"For a confident man you are quite insecure," I noted with a grin, tucking the millionaire closer against my chest as I hoped we could lie together for a little while longer, living in the moment as I had been reluctantly learning to do ever since coming to this place.

Though now that the gentle boy in my arms had reminded me of the kind groundskeeper, I couldn't help a sense of guilt from seeping into my heart.

"Do you think Taehyung will be angry?" I asked after a silence, staring out in front of myself as I imagined Taehyung's face and how the man would react to what had happened between Jimin and I.

"Anger is not an emotion Taehyung often feels tesoro," Jimin assured me. "Knowing him he will only be sour about the fact that we didn't let him sit in the room to watch."

I snorted, amused by the fact that that was probably exactly how the groundskeeper would react.

"Still..." I said after Taehyung wouldn't leave my mind. "Perhaps we could make it up to him..."

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬 | VMINKOOK✔Where stories live. Discover now