Until We Breathe Our Last Breath

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A/n: sorry for the delay... i have a job now... someone kill me.

My eyes shifted from Taehyung to Jimin and back while both men stayed silent like a still wind, the golden hue of candle light giving a cozy feeling to a situation that was anything but.

Neither of the men had spoken a word since we'd all taken our seats at the dinner table, the livingroom eerily quiet as no one dared touch their food.

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath, gathering my courage to take a shot at breaking the ice while fully expecting to the need the strength of a pickaxe to do it.

"So... Tae," I started, folding my hands over the edge of the table in attempt to seem casual. "Was there anything interesting in the papers today? I would read them more often, but the news is so terribly dreadful these days, I fear I'd grow depressed."

I forced my lips into a smile, desperate for the lumberjack to answer me despite how I'd bravely defied him earlier and caused a long and dreadful argument to arise.

I had remained headstrong about letting Jimin stay in our house until his watch would be fixed, and for the first time in a while I had stood up for something I though to be the right thing.

Taehyung and I had continued yelling and shouting at each other until our faces turned beet red, and I was sure Jimin had heard every nasty word we'd thrown at each other.

But eventually Taehyung had given up on fighting when he grew too weary to even speak, losing his initial grit, and finally letting me get my way. It felt liberating to walk out of the room with victory on my side, and I felt like I had collected a part of my soul previously lost.

"The government is fucking up the economy..." Taehyung mumbled reluctantly after a period of silence. "We're so fucked I don't even think the elections can save us, and those are still three years away."

I nodded, knowing very well that the banks were failing in almost every city and the president was doing nothing to help the people at all. A realisation hit me as I looked at Jimin, understanding something I should've guessed the moment I saw the man at the door.

"The banks..." I said softly, seeing Jimin shrink right when I spoke the word. "You lost yours... didn't you?"

Jimin nodded, shaking his head almost unnoticeably.

"So that's why he's here," Taehyung immediately scoffed, the skin around his eyes tightening with malice. "He lost his money, I bet his wife left him, so what else can he do but return to the garbage he threw out all those years ago, begging like the pathetic piece of-"

"Tae," I interrupted, balling my fists and shooting the lumberjack a warning look.

Taehyung pressed his lips together, but he glared at me just as hard as I glared at him, the conflicting tension between us sparking like electricity while Jimin was left to cripple under the tense atmosphere.

"What guarantee do I have, that this soup isn't poisoned?" Taehyung eventually asked, crossing his arms and turning his scowl back to Jimin with the most distrust I had ever seen in a man's eyes.

I sighed with the drama of a broadway actor as I cocked my head back and wondered why in the world I was still devoted to this intolerable man.

"I watched him cook the entire time if that makes you feel any better..." I groaned. "But it probably doesn't, since you are convinced of my complete incompetence to do anything."

The corner of Taehyung mouth twitched with annoyance, and I could see him hold back from letting his temper get the best of him. At last the man scooped up a spoonful of soup, bringing it to his lips with such hesitance it made me chuckle.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬 | VMINKOOK✔Where stories live. Discover now