A Silent Cry

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A/n: mature... im sorry...

I waited in the kitchen as the soup was being heated on the stove, my face buried in my hands because the world was weighing me down to the depths of despair.

I leaned my elbows on the counter like a helpless housewife stuck in a useless marriage, and I hated how dejected I felt, because I wasn't allowed to be the unhappy one. Not when I was the one who had given my heart to someone else while claiming to love another just as much.

I was crying without tears as I had learned to do with the years, and I tried to find comfort in the darkness of my palms.

Our clocks used to tick together, they used to form this strange duet between slow and fast. We were perfect opposites, Taehyung was my antithesis and as physicists preached we attracted, never unable to bring comfort to one another with a simple touch. A word. A whisper.

But I... I had been such a fool. For I had given my heart away. I had lost it, and now there was only Taehyung to drag us forward. His heart had been alone for years, and it had slowly turned into a rock heavy burden in his chest with no use. I wouldn't call what was between us now resentment, but someone else would, and it was the festering, destroying kind that killed even the memories of the past.

It was all my fault, and Taehyung knew that. He made sure I payed for that, subcontiously of course.

I felt a hand come down on my arm, fingers wrapping around it to give it a small squeeze.

I took a sharp breath, snapped my head out of my hands and up at the man that had snook into the  kitchen so quietly.

My stomach dropped as I realised Taehyung had seen me acting so depressed when I had no right to feel anything.

"Tae? I- I..."

"It's fine," he said, his voice calm unlike it was only moments ago.

The man cocked his head at me, an untrustworthy, kind smile on his face as he rubbed up and down my arm.

"I'm sorry for lashing out," he said, leisurely leaning against the kitchen counter. "The back pain simply..."

"I know," I said, understanding quickly, though the excuse of his back pains had been used far too many times to still be an excuse.

Taehyung curled his lips at me despite me not being able to look him in the eyes. I was afraid of what I'd see if I did. I feared that there would be bitterness waiting for me there, and I did not think my sanity could handle any more of that.

I could feel the man's gaze drift across my body as his hand traveled to shoulders. "I think I know why you've been complaining about my back so frequently..." The man said with a husky voice, making me shudder as his hand stroked further along my back until it slid down from my sweater to cup my ass.

I nervously cleared my throat. "I... I wasn't complain-"

Taehyung disappeared behind me, his hands grabbing hold of my waist as he started kissing my neck, the stubble on his chin tickling my skin. "I haven't been able to make you feel good for a while have I?" The man whispered in-between his gentle pecks, and I swallowed harshly, not sure how I was supposed to behave now as I couldn't even remember the last time we'd had sex. The last time we'd kissed even.

"You don't have to do this Tae... your back is more import-" I cut myself off, biting my lips as Taehyung rolled against me from behind, pressing his bulge against my ass as if he was knocking for permission to enter. He made me lean over the kitchen counter a bit more, pushing me forward into an uncomfortable position.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬 | VMINKOOK✔Where stories live. Discover now