The Story (Part 9)

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"Do you think it's easy?"


10th Flashback (2nd part of the 9th flashback)

26. 12. 2019.

(Bill's P.O.V.)

-Davids?- he asked while his face still showed just how shocked he actually was. I chuckled under my breath slightly before deciding not to even let him give me the permission to walk into his apartment. I cleared my throat quickly before stepping my feet inside.

The place did not look too bad. The white walls were being covered by numerous framed pictures of all kinds of flowers. When I stepped in, I saw the small wooden door being right in front of me. The opened door that was next to it gave me the chance to see that it was a dinning room.

Before I got to examine their apartment even more, I heard a high pitched female voice that sounded so annoying when it entered my ears and echoed through them. I rolled my eyes and then turned to see who it was.

-Oh, we have a familiar visitor. Hello, Mr. Davids.- I was greeted by Grayson's wife. She was walking in beige slippers that made no sound as they made contact with the brown marble floor. Her long blonde curls that were obviously dyed hanged just below her shoulders and her blue eyes looked so irritating to my view.

-Hello, Mrs. Grayson.- I barely greeted her back. I tried not to pay attention to her face as I was still somehow managing to look around the place.

To my left there was a dark brown leather couch with a small wooden table in front of it. The TV was on the right side of the couch, in the very far corner of the room. Must be some trendy furniture order for an apartment because it looked really weird.

There was a small wooden staircase next to that living room that was spiralling to the opened ceiling. That was probably where their bedrooms were. I took off my coat and hanged it on the hangers that were right next to me on my right side.

-What brings you here, Davids?- I heard Grayson ask while he was still standing beside me. I finally found the time to concentrate on what he was saying because I have got to see everything that was able to see from my point of view.

-I wanted to, uh, see my daughter before I have to come back to Eroda for business.- I explained to them shortly. I did not realise it, but I was actually feeling quite eager to see my daughter after such a long time.

-Oh, right. Emma! Can you come down, please?- Grayson's annoying wife shouted and before I knew it, I heard loud sounds of quick steps as figure of a grown woman was coming down the small staircase.

When she got to the bottom of the stairs and started to walk closer to where the three of us stood, I felt the need to see how she looks now. She has grown so much. I actually did not even recognise her. She was tall and had long legs just like her mother. She wore black leggings and a white sweater that looked amazing on her body.

When I got to see her face, I was feeling heavy shivers run up and down my spine and my eyes became open wide. She looked just like her mother, which somehow managed to frighten me. Her brown curly locks were a bit longer than her "mother's". She had a bright smile on her face and a sparkle in her shiny hazel eyes. Now I felt bad for leaving her with these disgusting people.

-Emma, this is Mr. Davids. He wanted to meet you today.- Grayson informed her and she smiled brightly while extending her hand out for me to shake it. I hesitated a little bit, but took her small, fragile hand in mine after a few moments.

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