|My angel|

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Robert's p.o.v.
5 years already passed but I can't still move on. 5 years of loneliness. 5 years without y/n. I can't believe it's already 5 years since that stupid criminal shot her.

5 years ago
Me and y/n are just walking at the park. Just a normal date. Holding hands and just talking like a normal couple but then we spotted a guy running to our direction with some cops following him. It looks like he robbed a bank because of a bag of money in his hand. He also have a gun in his other hand.

He ran passed us. No one stopped that criminal because scared of being shot. The cops is nearly getting so the criminal started to shot without looking we're he's shooting. I hugged y/n because she looked scared. We started to run away to be safe.

But then, y/n stopped running fell into the ground. I saw that there's a gunshot at her back. She fell on the ground. I don't know whats happening on my surroundings, all I care about is y/n.

She lay there looking at me while tears streaming down her cheecks. She's catching her breath. I don't know what to do but some people are surrounding us and I think they called 911 beacuse there's an ambulance and a cop car came.

They laid her in a stretcher and she looked pale because of the blood that is taken away from her. She's breathing isn't normal. I feel so numb.

I sat beside her on the way to the hospital. I lean near her while holding her cold hand. Praying that everything will be alright.

"I love y-you r-robert" Her voice is nearly inaudible. I started to cry. "I-i love you to babe. Everything will be alright ok? Were nearly there."

"I feel cold babe... please don't forget me"

"Don't say that. You will live. We will have a family and reach all our goals together right?"

She didn't answer and close on closing her eyes. The monitor started beeping and it's making me deaf. My started to beat fast.

All the nurse frantically checked up on her. Were not in the hospital yet and Im frustrated. She cant leave me. "please save her!"

I screamed but nothing happened. The nurses gave up. I just sat there like an idiot, crying. I watched y/n hoping that she'll open her eyes and the monitor will start to show a heartbeat.

We arrived at the hospital but she's dead on arrival.

End of flashback

I sat here at the grass facing her grave. Its her birthday so I bought her favorite flowers in a bouquet. I cried silently. I stared at her name on her. All our happy memories came into my head.

We should be married right now. We should have kids right now but because of that event, everything changed.

After an hour of sitting there while talking to her as if she could hear me a stood up and just left the flower there.

I know my angel is watching me from above.

A/n:This is kinda short for me tho. Please read my other stories and please follow me. I promise that my stories will be better from time to time.

Love ya!
553 words

Edit: lol my English is so fucking bad back then😐

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