Roshaun Diah~Tomboy

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No one's p.o.v
Y/n is known as the boyish girl in school. She acts like a boy and hangs out with boys. When she's in elementary, she don't like wearing dresses as any girls do. She likes wearing pants or any boys' clothes. When she's on highschool, she always hangs out with boys.

She always carries scateboard than any girls' things like make up kits. She always wear pants and acts like a boy. She even liked a lot of girls and dated some of them. She likes what she is and who she is.

Not until he knew this boy named Roshaun on her senior year. They met a skate park while she's doing some tricks. Her friends introduces Roshaun to her and some of his friends. Roshaun is the first one that caught his attention because of his goofy ass and his funny personality.

Roshaun:I can't believe you're bi...

Said while they're both hanging out at a bench having a rest after some skating they did.

Y/n:A lot of dude already said that...

She became uncomfortable and stood up and used her scateboard to go away. She felt so shy around him. She knew some girl don't find him attractive but she find him attractive.

She thought he already fell for him especially when they constantly hangout and became friends.

Roshaun on the other hand finds her really attractive right from the start. He decided to ask her out even tho it's kinda impossible since she's a tomboy and don't like boys.

They're hanging out at an ice cream shop together. They sat and it's when Roshaun gained some balls.

Roshaun's p.o.v

Roshaun:Hey I got something to tell you...
Y/n:Do you need to shit again?
She laughed. Oh God that laugh. That made me more nervous.

Roshaun:No... I like you...

Her smile faded away and I kinda took that as a bad sign.

Y/n:Umm... I don't know what to say...
Roshuan:I know you don't like me... it's ok.
Y/n:It's not like that... I also felt the same way but I think we should slow down.

Im kinda relieved. She liked me too. Yes!

Roshaun:What about let's date for 3 months to see if it works.
Y/n:i think that's a good idea.

No one's p.o.v
And from that day they started dated. They made each other happy until they reached college and that's 3 months of dating already. Theyre both happy.

She started wearing dress and hills. The tomboy y/n suddenly faded away after those 3 months.

Roshaun:So can you be my girlfriend now?
Y/n:Ofcourse Roshaun.

She hugged him tight and so does he. They're both very happy as they became a couple. She couldn't believe that a tomboy like her became a woman just because of a boy that she really loved which is Roshaun.
A/n:Hope you like this...
482 words

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