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Yeah i know Vallyk isn't a Jersey boy but imma add him anyway cause he's my man;) i think he also lives in Jersey but im not sure.
Y/n's p.o.v.
My friend, Jenny is vandalizing in the school's locker room wall even a public cr wall which makes it wierd. I asks her why would she do that but she'll answer by:

"It's fun"

She obviously had fun. She's meeting some guy and sometimes date them. She's dating a dude she met through what she's doing anf they're together for a year now.

Im thinking of what about me trying it.

I just decided to vandalize my number on my desk to see if someone will call or text me.
It's been 4 weeks since i wrote my number to all the desks i sat on and all the texts i get is from a creepy dude or a girl.

Until this dude named Vallyk texted me. He's nice and seemed to be a good boy.

He's not from my school but he just went there to discuss something and he coincidentally sat on the desk where i wrote my number.

It's saturday and we decided to meet up. Im hella nervous. What if he doenst come? I thought to myself.

I've been sitting at this bench but no one is coming. I just stood up and walk away but i heard a voice call me.

"Hey. I thought you like to meet me?" I turned around and saw a curly hair dude. "You're y/n right?"

"Yes" i smiled knowing that that person is Vallyk.

We talked for like an hour and went to eat. He's really a nice person and also a funny person.

I catched feelings easily after numerous times we hang out or talk.

He confesses to me which made me happy since i like him to like A LOT.

It's our one year anniversary and im really thankful i met this guy and followed what my friend did.

We ended up marrying after a lot of years and after we graduate of course.

Maybe just trying will make you meet the one.
A/n:Vallyk is HOT ✨P E R I O D✨


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