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Roshaun's p.o.v.
Im on my way to Y/n's apartment to ask her something about our project.

I also liked her since before we bacame close. Im knocking a lot of times but she's not opening the door so since she gave me permission to use her spare key beneath the fake plant nearby imma use it.

I opened the door and i can't hear anything. I went to her room and i saw her sleeping.

God She's so cute...

Im heading my way out but something came up to me. I'll express my feelings on her sleep.

I stood there like a creep watching her sleep.

"Um this might be wierd and i know you can't hear me since you're asleep but" i hesitated. "I really like you like a lot but since im nervous as fuck i cant tell it to you while you're awake"

"You're so perfect and im not. You'll not like me obvioulsy. I saw how you always look at Alvaro and its really stopping me from confessing to you"

"Ill be always there to protect you and help you in everything you do. Even if you don't like me, i will not stop from being loyal to you"

I chuckled a little bit in all i said. "Imma go now. I dont want you to see me standing here while watching you sleep"

I opened the door and looked back at her "and also i- i love you ok?"

Then i left hoping she's not awake and hoping that i can say that while she's awake.

Y/n's p.o.v.
Did i hear everything right?
A/n:bruh vote on the 'vote' chapter please. Its about who'll be the person im adding on the other book im writing.ASAP. someone voted for Robert already:)


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