Mattia Polibio~Sad movies

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Y/n's p.o.v.
Mattia said he can't come with me at the park so I just went to watch a movie alone. I sat there and the movie started to play. I started to watch it also thinking what could Mattia be doing right now.

Then someone came inside and It answered my question. I saw mattia came in with my bestfriend. They didnt saw me and they sat on the seats infront of me.

They started flirting with each other. They're acting like a couple a real one.

But then Suddenly Mattia kissed her and because of that I almost died. My heart fell and it broke in a million of pieces. In the middle of the Romance Comedy movie I started to cry.

I cant take it anymore so I stood up and left the cinema and just walked home. The tears stain in my cheeks are obviously still visible.

I arrived at home and my mom saw that I've been crying.

Mom:Why did you cry?

I tried to think of a lie I can think of as soon as possible. I dont want to say Mattia cheated on me.

Y/n:I just watched sad movies
Mom:Oh ok

I went up to my room and cried. I hope that Im crying jusy because of sad movie but I think my life is that sad movie.


A/n:If you know the song then nice:>

Love y'all!
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