Alvaro Romero~Happier

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A/N:That mf song always makes me cry for no fuckin reason...


No one's p.o.v.
Y/n and Alvaro did became a couple and almost a perfect one but then something unexpected happened.

Alvaro cheated with a girl named Lynne (random name) but a news came after 2 weeks. Lynne is pregnant. Y/n didn't know what is going on until Lynne and Alvaro came home together.

Y/n:Babe who is this?
She asked kinda rudely. She can sense that something is wrong.

Alvaro:She's pregnant...
He said looking at the floor same as Lynne. Your heart fell.

Y/n:Please tell me it's not yours...
You said in the verge of crying. They both stayed silent. You ran to your shared room and started packing all my stuff. You're  crying.

When you're done, You went down and saw the girl sitting beside him whose have his face in his hands. You assumed he's crying. He looked up at you.

Is what you simply said while shutting the door behind you. You drove to your besties house and let your feelings out. Your broken and so is he.

Y/n's p.o.v.
It's already 5 years since me and Alvaro met and that's when he's at the couch sitting while crying.
You never met another men to love or to love you. You just don't like to be in a relationship again...

It's a saturday afternoon and you're walking at the park just to let yout mind wonder but then you saw a happy family. Alvaro's little family with his little boy and his wife.

[Lyrics:With underline]

"Baby you look happier, you do"

he looked so happy with them. The way he smiled and laugh everytime he saw his kid ran just makes me think that he's happier with them than with me....

"I know one day you'd fall for someone new"

The way he looked at his wife makes my heart ache... a lot. I thought he's sad when I left him. I thought he'll never leave me. I thought that he'll never fall for someone new... but it's obviuos that he just fell for someone new...

"But if she breaks your heart like lovers do?"

I sometimes thought, is she hurting you sometimes? Is she breaking you sometimes? I just hope she'll never. But if she did...

"Just know that I'll be waiting here for you"

My heart will always be open for you. I don't care if it's the only one that has love for the both of us but I'll be waiting here for you... forever.

I left the park thinking that you're happier with them...


A/n:i dont know what to say. I hope you'll vote this and please follow me and I'll follow you back

Love y'all!
464 words

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