Roshaun Diah~Age gap

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Y/n's p.o.v.
Im 13 right now and Im a fan of the Nj boys. My age gap between them is big as Mattia's tooth gap. Jk! Im seventh grade when they're all juniors.

It sounds impossible but I really wanted to date even just one of them.

Ten years later

I already graduated college and Im working now. Nj boys are just youtubers now but theyre all still attractive especially my boyfriend Roshaun. He's the one I ended up being in a relationship with. Im not disappointed at it tho, but im happy with it.

He's goofy ass are always making me happy and he's always boosting my day up. The other boys are dating someone.... all of them are dating someone.

Im 22 when he's 26. Our age gap didn't do anything about us...


A/n:Ive got nothing to say... I might do a face reveal if this book will have 10k reads and 150 votes...

Love y'all!
162 words

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