|That should be me|

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No one's p.o.v
Kairi broke up with you because he thought that your relationship will not work. He left you broken and miserable. He's always bothered when there's a part of him that regretted everything.

9 months had passed and he knew that you already moved on with another boy named Robert. (Hehe they're not friends in here btw) He follows you on instagram so he knows everything that you post.

Kairi's p.o.v.
Everytime I saw a post of y/n my heart broke. She looks happy with Robert. She always post their picture together and have a caption of how much she love him. I regretted everything Ive done. I shouldn't let her go and broke her.

But right now I can't do anything about it now. She's already happy after I made her sad before.

(Feel free to sing:>)

That should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
Do you believe that That should be me


I messed so fucking bad. I want her back...

A/n:I kinda lost an idea.
195 words

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