|unknown person|

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No one's p.o.v.
You were really confused who on earth was leaving letter on your locker. It was really confusing the fuck out of you when that secret person told you to meet him at the bandroom.

But when you arrived there you saw 6 boys talking with each others. You stood there at the doorway while they come up to you.

???:What do you want?

The tall and tan skinned boy asked me. You showed them the letter.

Y/n:Who wrote this?

Nobody spoke. They just smirked.


The black boy said while smiling.

Y/n:I don't even know who the hell are you.

???:Im Mattia Polibio

The tall with tan skin said.

???:Im Alejandro Rosario

The boy with curly hair and dimples said.

???:im Kairi Cosentino

The boy with fluffy hair said.

???:Im Alvaro Romero

The boy who is nearly the same high as you said.

???:Im Robert Georges

The dude with curly hair and also tall.

???:and im Roshaun Diah

The black tall boy said.

Y/n:Nice meeting y'all and ill try to find out who the hell this person is.

Referring to the unknown person who wrote the letter. You walked out of the room to your bestfriend, Taylor.

Tay:do you know who wrote that?

She asked as you sat down on your seat and fixing your things.

Y/n:obviously not.

Mattia's p.o.v.
Y/n walked in to the band room while me and the boys are messing around inside. She asked us who wrote the letter telling her to go here.

Ofcourse we know who wrote that. It's not me. Its Alvaro.

He told us he like her and don't know what to do so we, his friends, decided to make it fun.

We'll make signals to make her confused who the hell likes her. Alvaro didn't agree at first since he doesn't want to see his crush get tired but we don't give a fuck. Were helping him.

Me and the boys are putting Alvaro's letter to her locker. We also flirt with her sometimes.

We also noticed that she's suspecting Alejandro which is hilarious.

*red is sus*

No one's p.o.v.
Y/n was walking to her locker. It's also Alvaro's turn to drop his letter. She saw him kiss the letter before sliding it inside.


Alvaro nearly jumped when she suddenly spoke.

Y/n:So You're that person?

She narrowed her eyes. Alvaro is fucking nervous. The other boys was listening in a corner praying that he'll confess and she'll not reject him.

Ofcourse she'll not reject him. She started to catch feelings for him since she found him cute.

Alvaro:U-uhhh y-yeahh?

He looked down full of embarrassment. She suddenly engulfed him with a hug which led him into shock abd gave him butterflies.

Y/n:I like you too Alvarito

You said while leaning out and looking at his shocked face. The boys are hyped up because of what they heard.

Varo:w-wait w-what?

You giggled at his cute actions. Your giggle made him blush.

Y/n:Im not joking dummy

You pressing his nose.

Y/n:so what are you waitjng for?

He smiled widely.

Varo:c-could you be my girlfriend?

He asked nervously which you find really damn cute. You pecked him on the lips which made the boys scream.

Y/n:Is that an answer to your question?

He smiled and pulled you in a kiss but longer and full of passion. You both didn't mind if both of you aee blocking the hallway but it's your time.

You pulled out to catch breath same as him.
A/n:Please follow me on tiktok @jelly.yyy

The ending sucks thoooO
Love y'all!♡
666 words

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