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No one's p.o.v
There's a dance party that a friend made. It's not a type of party that looks like a bar but it's like a Romantic kinda type. Y/n and Robert are obviuosly invited. They don't have any idea that they will meet each other in that dance party.

Y/n doesn't wanna go since she's not an out going person and hates to be around of a lot of people but her friend insists and promised it will be the last one that she'll agree. She just wore a simple red dress.

Robert on the other hand didn't want to go since he's not really attractive for this kind of dances. No one will surely want to dance with him he thought but still agrees to come since all of his friends will come.

He wore a simple polo shirt and some matching pants (i dont know tf will I add) He's not actually confident to wear anything.

Y/n and her friends came at the party. 5 of them sat and have a short convo until they're asked to dance. Y/n is left alone. Some dudes try to ask her but she just declined everyone since she actually didn't know how to dance.

Until there's a group of hot and cute guys came. There's 2 short dudes, A black tall boy and 2 other tall boys.

The boy that caught her attention the most is the tall dude with curls. She find him really cute. His other friends went to find some girls to ask out but that boy is left alone. He sat in a seat not that far from her.

Robert can actually sense that someone's staring at him. He simply looked around and catched y/n looking at him. He just flashed a smile and so does she. The most thing that caught his eyes is her red dress. Red is his favorite color.

She blushed when he smiled at her. Someone is screaming at Robert in his mind that he should ask her for a dance. He actually can feel a connection with her. He stood up like his body have own life.

He stood infront of her and she looked up. Robert held his hand out.

Robert:Can we dance?

She don't know whats up with her but she just smiled and took his hand. She told herself not to dance but she can't stop herself.

They started to dance slowly with the music. It's really a Romantic moment. She thought that he's just a stranger but she doesn't feel scared around him.

Robert on the other hand thought it was hopeless if he'll ask this gorgeous woman infront of him if she wanted to be friends.

Then she decided to speaks up.
Y/n:What's your name stranger?

Her sweet voice made his heart melt.

Robert:Robert Georges and you?
Y/n:Y/n y/l/n

They smiled with each other. His name really fits him she thoughts. He also thought that her name is really pretty and unique.

They actually have a conversation while dancing. She never been this friendly like this before also him.

Robert:I actually don't have conversation with someone I just have a dance with.
Y/n:Is that so?

Robert thought for a minute before he took his shot.

Robert:I think somewhere in the stars it must be written. Girl we have to take the chance that we've been given.

She's genuinely shocked in his words but she just let her smile appear in her face.

Y/n:I don't know how to feel about that and what to say.

They didn't even notice that they stopped dancing and they are in the middle of the dance floor. The music also ended and everyone watched them. They just noticed everything when the spotlight are shot right to them.

They looked around them and they feel so embarrassed. Robert's friend are hyping him up same as y/n's. They're giving them a thumbs up while smiling excitedly thinking their friend will have a new lover
Y/n:Oh my gosh Im really sorry about what happened earlier.
Robert:Its ok but I think we should be friends.

They're outside of the building talking while waiting for their friends who they think managing or doing something but actually just waiting for them to do something.


He took his phone out then y/n took them. Their friends, who's hiding in the corner witnessed that they just exchanged numbers.

They said goodbye then their friends emerged out of nowhere.
The boys hyped Robert up while he's smiling and obviously in a goof mood whole night.

Y/n's on the other hand are teasing her while they drive her home. They keep saying:

'Yall babies will be cute'
'Yall so cute together omg!"

They keep squealing all night.

They fortunately became friends and became more than that and so on...
A/n:Hope you like it dont forget to vote and follow me.
Love y'all!♡
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