Sixty Eight

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Jason's POV

As the days go by in this miserable grey place, I have easily gained everyone's respect. I guess it comes along with the name.

I had a couple of minions following me around now; Dave the room mate, Miles and Ian.

They followed me everywhere I went, they made sure no one fucked with my stuff, or stood on my way... they were like slaves.

I find them fucking annoying at times, but they're useful.

I haven't gotten around to calling Madison, although I still miss her every day. I'm just not risking them, or anyone else, seeing me as a wimp.

This place is consuming me. I fucking hate it here.

Everyday is the same fucking shit. You wake up, eat, you either sit around doing nothing or they give you some stupid task to do, you eat, do nothing, and sleep.

You barely even get to see the outside world. There's not one fucking window in here.

Currently, I was sitting in the dining room, surrounded by my minions, vaguely listening to them tell their stories.

"McCann." A guard said as he walked towards us. "You have a visit."

I looked at him as my heart began to beat out of my chest.

I got up from my seat and followed him.

I can't believe she came. Why do I feel so nervous yet excited at the same time?

Oh god. She's gonna be upset that I haven't called her.

I took in a deep breath as the guard reached for the door of meeting room.

But when he opened it, my heart shattered.

It's not her.

Although her father is here. Along with my lawyer.

The guard closed the door and left the room.

We greeted each other with a hand shake, and he asked "How you holding up?"

"Fine, sir." I said as I took a seat across from him.

"I believe you remember Lawrence from our last meeting." He said as he pointed to the lawyer next to him.

"I do." I said, and shook his hand as well.

"We got some good news." Lawrence said. "They've decided to give you a trial."

That didn't sound like good news to me. It was dumb, I knew what I was destined to, what my fate was inside this system. How would any judge give me a different sentence than the death penalty? This was just a waste of time. For everybody.

"Sir." I turned to Mads dad. "How is Madison?" I asked.

He pursed his lips before answering "She's alright."
It didn't sound convincing, so I just stared into his eyes, waiting for him to tell me something else.

"I overheard her talking about you with her mother, she said something about giving you space and something about some calls..." He said, not recalling everything he heard.

So she is upset.

"Sir, with all due respect. Time is ticking." The lawyer said.

I sighed and melted down in my seat. "Alright, what's the big plan." I asked, really not interested. But, they seem to enjoy this little game, so I let them present me with their plans and their fallacies ideas to get me out of here to amuse them. At this point, it didn't mean shit to me. As long as the time I spend here is minimal, I'll take death. I'm not scared of it. I'd rather die than waste my life in here.

"We have two months to prepare for trial, it's on October 13..." I nodded and continued to listen to him.

"Looking at your file, there's a lot here you're being accused of. However, there's no hard evidence that any of these things were you, or that you were in the scene. There are no DNA samples, no fingerprints, there's nothing.... Frankly, they don't have proof you're 'Jason McCann'."

"This is the angle I'm going with. Jason McCann is just a name. There's no evidence it's you, no pictures, no videos, no witnesses... just accusations with no foundation."

"If I am able to prove you are who you say you are, Justin Bieber, and that the system is using you, an innocent man, to pin these events on somebody, just to get it over with, you'll be able to walk a free man from here."

I looked at Madison's dad, who had a smile plastered on his face. He really believed this was going to work. He looked so confident in this strategy, but I don't want to get my hopes up. It sounds posible, but I just... it just sounds like it's too good to actually work.

He kept explaining to us his strategy, and I actually listened and payed attention.

Madison's Dad's phone rang, interrupting Lawrence sentence, and I took a glance at his phone, checking for Madison's name.

"Excuse me." He said and stepped outside.

"I understand there's a girl?" Lawrence asked.

I shot a glare at him and said "how is she related to any of this?"

"Well, if the judge sees her, sees how happy you two are together, it'll make you look more..." he said, trying to look for the right word. "Humane." "It'll add more to your normal background."

I understand what he's trying to say.

"Her and I aren't speaking right now. And I'd rather keep her out of this." I said.

"All I'm saying is, who does Justin Bieber have? If he's alone, it's gonna look more incriminating and suspicious. With the girl, you'll just look like a normal business man. You have your work, someone to go home to everyday..."

"Times up." The guard said as he stepped into the room.

"Thank you officer." Lawrence said.

"I don't think she'll be able to lie on the stand. She's too emotional." I said.

"Marry her." He said, making me look at him as if he were crazy.

"A wife cannot testify against her husband. It's the law." He said as he grabbed all his documents and shoved them into his suitcase.

"Even if I agreed with you, I'm in jail. How am I supposed to marry her?" I asked.

"You just leave that to me. Talk to her." He said.
"I'll see you in two weeks."

I shook his hand and he walked away.

Madison's POV

"Madison! You're going out?" My dad asked in a shocked tone as we crossed paths. I was heading out the door and he was just walking in.

I gave him a soft smile and nodded.

He smiled at me and said "be safe."

I replied with an "I will." And walked out the door.

I was only going to Isabella's house, but I guess I understand where he's coming from. I haven't left the house since Jason got into prison, and it's been weeks since that happened.

I've just been sad about it. The only thing that calms me down is that he's safe in there.

I know it's prison, but he's Jason McCann. Why would anybody mess with him?

We don't talk anymore, as much as I'd like to talk to him, he doesn't call anymore. So there's nothing for me to do but what he told me to do; imagine us, daydream all day, and live through the memories I have with him.

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