Seventy Eight

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Madison's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to a sharp pain in my stomach. I was trying to ignore it and go back to sleep, but the pain was starting to increase. I held onto my stomach, applying some pressure in hopes of making it go away.

"Oh god." I groaned as I closed my eyes tightly.

This can't be normal.

I reached for my phone and dialed my mom's number.

"Madison? Why are you calling me this late? Is everything okay?" She answered worriedly.

"I don't know." "I think there's something wrong mom."

"What do you mean?" "Sweetie, was going on?"

"I don't know." I cried. "I'm in so much pain right now. My stomach hurts. I don't think this is normal mom."

"Okay sweetie. I'm gonna head over there right now, alright? Just hold on tight."


I ended the call and stayed in bed while holding onto my abdomen, waiting for my mom to get here.

Time felt like it was going by in slow motion, and this pain was only growing stronger.

I need to do something. I don't know what, but I can't stay laying down, I need to figure out a way to make it stop.

I sat by the edge of the bed and took a deep breath as I gathered the strength to get up.

When I managed to stand up, I took a few steps and then felt something running down my leg. I looked down and saw the red liquid running down my leg, it was blood.

I started to panic. I... I'm losing this baby, aren't I?

"Madison?" I heard my mom call from a small distance.

"Mom." I called as my eyes began to water. "Mom. Mom, I'm here." I said in the midst of freaking out.

"Mom, Im bleeding." I said as she walked in. I was standing still, watching the blood hit the floor.

"We're getting you to a hospital." She said.

"C'mon." "Let's go sweetie." "It's gonna be fine."

I knew that was a lie. Nothing is fine.

She helped me clean up and we left to the hospital.

People knew my mom thanks to my dad so when we got there we didn't have to sit in the emergency room to wait for someone to attend us. We immediately got taken into private room and quickly got the attention of a doctor.

I was too upset to talk so, my mom explained what happened for me.

"Have you been under a lot of stress lately?" He asked me.

I don't know doctor, the person I love got sentenced to death in prison, and my father volunteered to kill him... you tell me.

"A little." I answered.

He nodded and said, "We're just gonna run some tests, alright?" "We'll get this done as soon as possible." He said as a nurse approached me.

"You are gonna feel just a little pinch." She said as she prepared my arm to get a blood sample. I looked away and let her do whatever.

I already knew what was going on. The expression on the doctors face confirmed what I thought. Now they're just wasting their times so they can confirm what everyone knows.

She finished doing her job and left me and my mom alone.

I want to go home.

About thirty minutes later, the doctor came back with a chart in his hands.

"Madison... I'm deeply sorry." He said in a sincere way. I already knew. "You had a miscarriage." "We can run some more tests-"

"Can I go home now?" I asked as I stared off at the floor.

"Honey... I- I'm so sorry." My mom said.

This is what I don't want. I don't want to be around people pitying me and feeling sorry for me. I just want to be alone.

"It's important that you rest now as you recover." The doctor said. "You can stay here as it passes, and we can watch out for infections, but you can go home and just give me a call if anything out of the normal happens."

"Thank you so much doctor." My mom said.

"Take me home please." I told her.

"Honey, don't you want to stay with me tonight? You shouldn't be alone after all that's happened today."

"I'm just going to sleep mom. I'll be okay." I told her.

"Okay honey." "Just call me in the morning."

I nodded and we made our way back to the car. I wanted to be alone, I wanted to be free to express myself without having to worry about my parents hearing me cry or walking in on me. Or seeing my father.

She took me home, and I was once again alone.

I sat down on the couch and let out a sob that even I didn't know I had been holding in.

Oh god, why did I even come back to this stupid apartment? I hate this place. It's depressing.

I feel so lonely here.

I guess there is one other place I could go.

I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes as I stood up. I grabbed my keys and headed to the parking lot.

I got in my car and drove to Jason's house.

When he was away I would occasionally do this, especially when I started to miss him more than usual, It helped me feel better, it made me feel closer to him and that calmed me down.

It gave me a little peace.

I parked in his driveway and used my spare key to open the door.

I went inside and headed up to his bedroom. I went into his closet and looked through his clothes. I grabbed a hoodie and set it on the bed so I could change into it later.

I kicked off my shoes and headed inside the bathroom. I undressed myself and turned on the water before getting inside the shower.

I grabbed the bottle of his shampoo and poured some into my hand, the smell of it hitting my nose immediately. I closed my eyes and brought it up to my scalp, massaging it in as I took the smell, reminiscing all those times he would lay on top of me, or next to me, and I would play with his hair.

I rinsed it off and conditioned my hair now. I left it on and went on to wash my body.

I finished showering and got into his hoodie before getting into bed. I grabbed onto his pillow and closed my eyes as hot tears silently dropped down my face.

I miss him so much.

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