Chapter 39: the green eyed monster inside of us.

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On the ride home, Adrien sees Luka riding on his bike.
Adrien: (What is he doing? And where is he going? I better do a little detective work and see what's going on.) Hey. That's my friend, you mind if I talk to him? *Nathalie nodded once and Adrien open the door and he sees Luka.* Hey, Luka.
Luka: Hey, Adrien.
Adrien: Where you going?
Luka: To see Marinette. She invited me to go to her house.
Adrien: She did? (Ugh. He can't be serious. Time to get under his skin.) How much do you like Marinette? As a friend?
Luka: I don't like her as a friend. I love her.
Adrien: Love? That is not love. I saw how close you two are. And I don't think you love her. Have you ever confessed your love for her?
Luka: I have actually.
Adrien: And did she react?
Luka: She blushed. She doesn't have to react directly. I respect her. *He ride his bike passed him.*
Adrien: Okay. So that didn't work. *He go back in the car and his bodyguard take him home.* (Ugh. What makes him do special?)
Nathalie: Adrien? Are you okay?
Adrien: Huh? Yeah, I'm okay.
Nathalie: Okay. If there's something troubling you, you can tell me, okay?
Adrien: Okay. (I will make him stay away from her. She's mine!)

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