Chapter 46: Returning the miraculouses

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At the park, Ladybug and Ryuko hide behind a tree.
Ryuko: Longg, open sky! *She de-transform and Longg hover next to Kagami, Kagami gave Ladybug the miraculous back.*
Kagami: Thank you again, Ladybug.
Ladybug: You're welcome, Kagami. Until next time. Bug out! *She threw her yo-yo out and go to King Monkey, Kagami get her phone out and call Adrien. In the alley, Ladybug meet up with King Monkey.*
King Monkey: Xuppu, nap time! *He de-transform and Xuppu hover next to Kim, Kim lend Ladybug the miraculous back.*
Kim: Thanks, Ladybug.
Ladybug: No problem, Kim. See you soon. Bug out! *She threw her yo-yo out and she swing away, Kim walk home.*

In Adrien's room, Cat Noir jumped through an open window and his miraculous beeped one more time and he de-transform and he caught Plagg.*
Plagg: Uuuuuh. So... hungry! *Adrien get a piece of Camembert out for Plagg.*
Adrien: Here you go. *Plagg get it and eat it up too.*
Plagg: Hmm. Delicious. Thank you. *Adrien sighed.*
Adrien: You're welcome. (Another day and no hope for me and Ladybug to be together.) I don't think I have a chance with Ladybug.
Plagg: What do you mean?
Adrien: I know I'm in love with her, but I think my chances with her are over. I have Kagami who is my friend, but are we just more than that? I'm not sure. But Marinette... she has been a little distant lately.
Plagg: How distant?
Adrien: I don't know. But it's like... she's avoiding me.
Plagg: Maybe she has a reason to be distant. She has a lot of stuff in her mind too.
Adrien: Maybe. I could ask her tomorrow.

In Marinette's room, Ladybug leap through her window and she de-transform and Tikki hover next to Marinette, she feed Tikki a macaroon, she put the miraculouses back in t her miracle egg, she sighed with relief.
Marinette: Why is it so complicated? And hard working too?
Tikki: I know it can be a lot of work, but Hawkmoth and Mayura have to be no more.
Marinette: I know, I know. I'll do anything for a break or two.
Tikki: I know. But hopefully they'll be less.
Marinette: Maybe. (I need to get away from this for a while.)
Tom: Marinette, come downstairs for a minute.
Marinette: Okay. *She go downstairs to the living room.* Yes?
Tom: We have news to tell you both.
Timmy: Are we going to the movies?
Sabine: No.
Marinette: Are we going to visit Nona?
Tom: Not this time. Your cousin Bridgett is coming over.
Marinette: Bridgett is coming?
Sabine: Yes. She's gonna be staying over this weekend. She'll leave on Sunday.
Timmy: Cool. It's been a while since we seen her.
Tom: It has been a while, hasn't it?
Sabine: It has been. You remember when Bridgett use to come over and had fun with you two? *Marinette did a flashback moment. Marinette was 5 and Bridgett was 7, they play together all the time.*
Marinette: I remember those moments.
Tom: She's coming through the metro train on Friday. We'll all go down there and see her.
Marinette: (Friday? That's my date with Luka. It's okay. Luckily it's only in the afternoon, he didn't pick the time yet. So it's still good.)
Sabine: We'll have to set up the guest room before we go get her.
Tom: Okay. Marinette, why don't you do that?
Marinette: Okay. Now or...
Sabine: Tomorrow.
Marinette: Okay.
Tom: Okay. Who wants ratatouille for dinner?
Timmy: Mmm. I do.
Marinette: I'll have some.
Sabine: Ratatouille is good.
Tom: Coming right up. *He go in the kitchen and go prep it up.*

Half an hour passed by and Tom get the ratatouille out of the oven and he close the oven door and put the pot on top of the stove.
Tom: Nothing like the smell of ratatouille. *He put the pan in the middle of the table.* Dinner's ready! *Sabine sit at the table and Marinette and Timmy leave the living room and go to the dining room and Tom serve them some ratatouille, they enjoy their food.*

After dinner, Marinette get ready for bed and she mark her calendar, she look at the tomorrow's date.
Marinette: Okay, Mylene's birthday is tomorrow. I got her present.
Tikki: Really? What did you get her?
Marinette: Some lavender perfume. Have a sprint. *She take the bottle and sprint once, Tikki smell it.*
Tikki: Mmm. Smells good. I love the smell of lavender.
Marinette: I'll wrap it up in the morning before I go to school. Luckily her birthday party is this Saturday.
Tikki: Wow. This is one of the best presents you give to someone.
Marinette: It's not all true.
Tikki: Yes it is. The blue scarf from Adrien.
Marinette: He thinks his dad made him that. I was gonna tell him I made that because nobody ever got him something, he was happy about that. I couldn't tell him.
Tikki: Okay. True. What about Mrs. Bustier's present?
Marinette: It was okay before Chloé ruined it.
Tikki: That was pretty messed up. But I hope Mylene will love the perfume.
Marinette: And hopefully "No one" will ruin this one. (Chloé.) Well better get ready for bed. Plus, there's auditions for the play this week. I doubt if I get to be Juliet.
Tikki: I'm sure you will. You act before, right? Marinette: I have been taking theater club since last year. People say I am good at acting, not sure if this one will be easy.
Tikki: Trust yourself, Marinette. You'll be fine.
Marinette: Okay. You're right. *She go to the bed and get her pajamas and go in the bathroom and change into her pajamas and go to bed, Tikki lay next to her.* Good night, Tikki.
Tikki: Good night, Marinette. *Marinette turn the light off and go to sleep.*

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