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season 8, episode 12 - hope for the hopeless


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ALLISON STARED AT HER MUG OF COFEE AS SHE FACED HER THOUGHTS. Mike Rivers, the cute coffee boy asked for her number, of course needing to move on from a certain green-eyed surgeon, she gave it to him. It's been a week and he hasn't texted her. The timing couldn't be more wrong, Jackson and Lexie broke up with one another due to Lexie's longing feelings towards Mark.

"Allie?" Jackson called out for her as he bumped his shoulder lightly with her, "You okay?"

Allison softly nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Oh, damn it." Meredith sighed, she was trying to decorate Zola's birthday cake with frosting but having some difficulty, "I screwed up."

"'Gag Zola', really?" Jackson asked, placing another spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

Allison smiled at the baby in her high chair, thankfully Social Services let Meredith and Derek adopt Zola, and Allison couldn't be more happier for the couple, they finally had their first child.

"Those aren't G's. Those are Y's for 'yay'. 'Yay Zola.'"

"See," Jackson pointed a finger towards the cake, "a normal person would've written 'Happy Birthday.'"

"Well, I couldn't fit all of those letter on the cake." Meredith defended.

"Okay," April walked into the kitchen, "Who used up the last of my deodorant."

"Oh" A random woman raiding the fridge turned to look at April, "That would have been me. Sorry, kinda had a workout last night."

Allison scrunched her nose in disgust as she got up to leave for the hospital. "Yeah, I'm leaving." She muttered as she got up to leave.

"Party is at 8:00, don't be late." Meredith called out to her.

"Wouldn't miss it, Mer."


"You're moving?" Allison frowned as she heard Jackson asking April if she was sure about moving out.

"Meredith and Derek had a baby, and you're living with both of your ex's, we're moving." April confirmed, as Allison frowned.

"I'll move." Alex added, walking inside the room, "Zola's killing my game. Every girl I bring home wants a baby the minute they see her."

"She's a cute baby, don't blame her cuteness." Allison said, as Jackson handed her a yogurt.

April sarcastically laughed, "No. I'm not living with you. I am trying to get away from you."

"All right," Alex gestured towards Jackson, who was placing food back inside the fridge, "Then you and me. You don't want to live with Mary Poppins."

"No, she cooks, she cleans—"

"She's also your friend." Allison said, "She isn't your servant."

𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 - j. avery ¹Where stories live. Discover now