Chapter 25

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"That boy is such a twat! How could he play a joke on you right from the first night?"

That was only one of the few waves of complaints that Ophelia faced when she opened the door to her room. The girls chose their usual beds and brought even more stuff to place around, especially Cissney.

"It didn't seem like he did it intentionally." Alice reasoned, seeing how much it affected Potter afterwards.

"Then why did he levitate that piece of cake, hm?"

No one knew, not even the culprit. Ophelia couldn't help but chuckle under her hand, though. It was funny how his plan backfired to the point Cissney would never let him sit next to Lily, or anywhere close.

Luckily, the subject changed to better and happier chats about each other's families and summer breaks.

"I swear to you, muggles have these crazy theater pieces where they use puppets!" Cissney explained, her wide eyes glistening with curiosity, "Afterwards, my mum took me and my brother to see a fat lady singing on an improvised stage. It was incredibly well done compared to how it looked."

"It's called opera. My mum likes it too." Ophelia added, "I have never heard music from wizards. Is it the same? Do they sing about the same things?"

"Of course! Love is one of the best subjects to approach in any type of music. Here," Cissney got off bed and searched for something through her trunk. When she finally found it, she brought it on Ophelia's bed and turned it on with her wand.

"This is a radio," Lily mumbled, surprised that it looked pretty much the same as a muggle's radio.

"It's actually called wireless. This program right now it's called Witching Hour and," Cissney turned up the volume, the song recently played filling the dormitory, "This singer is Celestina Warbeck. My mum and grandma knows her so she's been around for a while."

Alice and Lily rolled their eyes but Ophelia leaned closer and listened to Celestina's voice.

"Mommy, what's this?" The little girl asked, pointing at the small object on the fireplace.

"It's my favorite singer, Celestina Warbeck. When I was at school, your father would turn the wireless on and let me listen to it until I'd fall asleep. Even back then, he would protect his interests very well." Lillian told her daughter, "Your father, he's a peculiar man, Ophelia. He won't look at you but he will search for your gifts and exploit them until you will be left with nothing. You'll have to return to him again and again because without an aim in life, he's the only one that can fill that emptiness." Lillian added staring at the fire burning, her green eyes looking like two crystals.

When Ophelia looked up, the girls were laughing about something while the program changed and a different voice was informing the witches and wizards of a troll patrol forming in Wales.

It was long past midnight when Ophelia rolled on her side, not able to sleep. She sighed heavily before she rolled on her other side and covered her head with the pillow. She groaned when nothing worked and a few minutes later, she tip toed out of the dormitory and down into the common room. Surprisingly enough, there was a black kitten standing in the middle of the room, staring at something above the fireplace.


The kitten turned his head and glanced at her before he turned his attention back on the fireplace. Ophelia blinked, surprised how a kitten sneaked inside the common room.

"Are you someone's cat?" Ophelia asked, walking next to it.

She tried to find the reason why the kitten was so focused on the fireplace but there was nothing out of ordinary. The brunette leaned forward and scanned every picture placed both in front and in the back. There was one with three people, one in particular looking very familiar. Then she understood as she pulled it from in the far back and looked at it.

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