Chapter 76

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Since she did not have to return to the Lestrange Manor, Ophelia chose to go back home. That itself was a whole adventure because Potter wanted to make sure somebody could get her there in one piece.

"So, I know where she lives but I'm not sure she will be stable on my broom. On the other hand, someone needs to take Peter home too. asleep." Potter started once they all gathered outside.

"We can take my bike. I came here with it and it didn't lose altitude once." Sirius said pointing down the street where he parked it.

"That's better for Peter then. He is unconscious, unlike Ophelia who is only dizzy." Lily explained. Everyone consumed alcohol but the redhead was the only one that didn't get drunk at all.

Sirius did not like that idea but he couldn't fight it. Peter was snoring against the wall in a position that would have hurt if he wasn't so intoxicated.

"Fine. Can we apparate?" He threw that idea in just to be sure.

"We cannot apparate. Physically. We haven't learned how to." Remus stated looking at Sirius.

"I know," Sirius said as if that was what he expected the whole night.

"But you also know where Peter lives. I'll leave first with Ophelia." James started already leading Ophelia towards his broom.

"Take care!" Remus said before he turned to their other problem.

The night was breezy and while they were getting closer to Spinnard's Cottage, it started to rain. When they got there the door opened and a confused Cerberus came out.

"What happened?" He asked helping Ophelia inside. "Oh, I smell it alright. Wild party, huh?"

James nodded and followed them inside. He was surprised to see Dylis in the living room, already preparing his bed for the night. He heard the noise and looked up.

"Is there anything Dylis can do?" He asked coming towards them. His eyes first fell over Ophelia and his whole expression changed. "I'll go prepare tea."

"Thanks, Dylis. James, you can go wait in the living room. I'll put this little one to bed and come out too."

"I should probably go, though." As he said that loud thunder filled the whole area. "Or maybe I could stay for a bit longer."

Cerberus smiled and wrapped his arms around Ophelia before he more or less dragged her upstairs. Once in her room, she sat on her bed and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Cerberus tucked her in and smiled just like a parent would.

Downstairs, Dylis offered some tea to James and then placed one on the table for Cerberus. He also brought one for himself as he got comfortable in his made-up bed.

"So, she is sleeping like a rock. I expect she won't wake up happy tomorrow. How much did she drink?"


"Good, good. At least she got a break from-" he stopped remembering Potter didn't know anything about Ophelia's family. "You're welcome to sleep here too, James."

"You really act like a father." The young wizard stated out of nowhere.

Cerberus' whole face softened up and he leaned against the door frame. That might have been true but realistically speaking, he was only honouring his promise to Peverell. It happened that Ophelia grew on him and with each passing day together, he could see Lillian in her more and more when she was at Hogwarts.

"How much do you know about her parents?"

James shrugged, having no idea what Ophelia's life outside the school was.

Through Her EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora