Chapter 125

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By dinner time, Ophelia was a sour grape. She couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment. They all gathered in the Great Hall and although it was very loud, she couldn't help but feel like she could only hear her beating heart. She glanced at the staff table and noticed Dumbledore speaking to Slughorn, seemingly very jolly. Zabini was there as well, next to Eynon who looked miserable. The girls were fawning over him, again, even if they knew about his not-so-great personality.

"Why are you grumpy?" Remus asked, being the one sitting on her left. The other side was occupied by Alice, to Ophelia's relief. She didn't want Sirius or James to pick up on her mood and question her. Or worse, try to make her feel better.

"Do you ever feel like we are groomed to become puppets?" She asked knowing he would understand what she meant.

"We are. Especially during this time. But that applies to every society. We are raised to become part of the whole. That's one thing that applies to everyone, including muggles." Remus replied before he smiled softly, "Are you worried about what will happen after we graduate?"

Ophelia glanced at Dumbledore, who rose to give his usual speech before she looked at her friend.

"I'm worried I won't have anyone to return to," she said meekly, making Remus frown.

"Good evening and welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I am delighted to see we still have wizards and witches brave enough to come to school. I know that this castle cannot protect you forever. Danger looms in the darkest corners both outside and inside the school. But there is always light pushing back against the darkness, and there is still peace and joy amidst chaos. That is why, I am more than pleased to announce that this year Hogwarts will host a dance! The Christmas Ball!" He said loudly making everyone excited with just a few words.

"A ball? With Death Eaters inside the castle? With a Dark Lord wreaking havoc and killing innocent people?" Frank asked with a frown.

But Ophelia caught the shimmering mischief in Dumbledore's plan. One look around and she could see how a ball, for young adults, was the event of the year.

"It's a distraction," Ophelia whispered, finding the headmaster very sly but amusing at the same time. "Even Death Eaters can be swayed by a dance."

"I know, there are many things to prepare, many dates to be asked," he laughed and then continued. "Also, this year the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts will be shared by two former students and professors: Professor Eynon will teach our first four years students and Professor Zabini will teach fifth years and above." He explained but students were already too busy discussing the ball.

The rest of the speech was the usual, so Ophelia blocked it out. She was still in a bad mood after her brief chat with Eynon. But on the other side of the table, Sirius was drumming his fingers against the wood as he couldn't help but wonder how will he make Ophelia go to the ball with him.

The Christmas Ball became soon the most sought topic among the students. Be they first years or seventh years, Hufflepuffs or Slytherins, they were all talking about the dance.

"Do you think Nott will ask you to the dance?" Snape asked one morning while they had breakfast together. Not in the Great Hall, of course, but in a dusty room.

"Why did you ask me to bring food in here? Everyone knows we are friends and nobody will say anything anymore,"

But that wasn't why Snape asked to eat apart from everyone.

"So? Would you accept to go with him if he asked?" Snape ignored her completely.

Ophelia rolled her eyes and shrugged.

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