Chapter 27

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DADA felt a lot better with the brown owl watching from his spot next to the window. Spinnard glanced a few times at him, rolling his eyes every time the owl would make a noise as if he was laughing.

As soon as class was over, Potter got ready to discuss their arrangement again. Unfortunately, Slughorn caught them right before they entered the Great Hall and asked Ophelia to stay back a bit.

"Extra classes again?" She whined, having a look of desperation.

"In my whole life as a potion master, I haven't seen such a lack of equal distribution between attention and practice. You need to memorize the information beforehand or else you won't be able to pass the first semester. Thankfully, Rabastan agreed to help you once more. Very nice student, I'm telling you. His name doesn't do him justice."

"Are yous serious?! Extra Potions with a Slytherin?" Cissney was as shocked of the news as she was when she first heard that Rabastan existed.

"He volunteered. He probably believes that I am a charity case."

"You are," Cissney mumbled and everyone agreed, "I have never seen someone so bad at Potions and my father worked as a Potion Master assistant."

"It's because she doesn't take it seriously." Said a voice coming from behind Ophelia. She jolted in her seat as she felt Severus levitate something in her robes' pocket, the same one she put the picture of her mother.

That grabbed the attention of the whole group, especially Potter and Black. They turned to Severus faster than blinking, both wearing a sneer at the Slytherin.

"And what do we owe this pleasurable visit, Snivelly?" Potter started, getting a glare instantly from Lily.

Put in the center of attention, Severus' eyes widened as he started to fidget nervously. He wasn't good at speaking in front of lousy people who could backfire whatever he says.

"Um, I wanted to talk to Lily."

"Well, maybe she's busy." Potter insisted but it was obvious she wasn't.

Sighing heavily, Lily got up and threw one last glare at Potter before she followed Severus into the Entrance Hall.

"That was inadequate for a 12 years old." Ophelia commented before she searched for the piece of parchment thrown into her pocket. It was there, folded neatly just as the person that wrote it.

"I know right? How can a 12 years old just come to the Gryffindor table and ask to speak to a girl. A girl!" Potter continued, his eyes widening behind those round glasses.

Ophelia's head snapped towards him, still keeping her hand in her pocket.

"Oh, I was talking about you." She said, looking innocently at her housemate.

"First time is always hard but I assure you it will get better. It's important to know that an experimented legilimens is able to enter your mind without you feeling anything."

That was the speech Cerberus started the Occlumency lesson with. It was so sudden, both the hour and the meeting. It was only Wednesday.

"I thought we'll have the lesson during the weekend." Ophelia added before anything else, rubbing her eyes sleepily after two hours of History of Magic.

"I heard that weekends need to be free for you to do your DADA homework and live a tad. I'm sure Luce gave you a lot to memorize."

Her groan was enough for an answer. Cerberus chuckled and took a few steps back before drawing out his wand.

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