Chapter 62

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The first few days passed leisurely with recollections of what they learned and what they will study this year. McGonagall passed through her lesson quickly, getting everybody accustomed to Switching Spells, an idea that sounded nice to Potter. But Ophelia was confused about one thing and she guessed McGonagall had an answer.

"Professor, what about Occlumency?"

"What about it, Molley?"

"With Cerberus gone, who will teach us Legilimency this year?"

McGonagall looked up at her student with a frown. She was aware of how gifted Molley was in the art of messing with one's mind especially after taking a peek at Spinnard's.

"I'm afraid professor Dumbledore hasn't found someone so naturally, the professor of Dark Arts will take over."

"Idris Eynon?" She asked with obvious dislike.

"Don't scoff, Molley. Don't underestimate a man older than your father."

"But he was expelled from Hogwarts and he murdered a child." She hissed.

Taken aback, McGonagall found herself nudging her student towards the door.

"Go to your next class, Molley and do not tell that to any of your classmates." McGonagall's voice was harsh but there was also a bit of understanding.

In the corridor, around the first turn towards the stairs was Potter. He grabbed her as soon as he saw her and crouched in the shadows of the walls.

"I think we should dig deeper into the past of this Eynon." He whispered as if anybody could hear them. "I asked my father but he didn't say a word more or less from the last time. We need to find someome who knew him."

"Or try our luck in the library. We should start by searching what an Obscurus is." She said, gaining positive reactions from the boy.

"Yes, right. You go with the library and I'll expand my researches." James muttered before he patted her shoulder and ran away.

"Whatever that means." She mumbled rolling her eyes.

Lunch was next after Transfiguration and James Potter was nowhere to be seen. And that was not the only lunch that passed by like that, but quite a number afterwards. But the fateful day of Friday came and DADA was in the morning. Everybody was excited, both Gryffindors and Slytherins and they were expecting neatly in the classroom. Nobody was saying a word to Sirius' surprise when he entered.

"Did someone die? Is there some kind of curse on the brats?" He asked Remus genuinely concerned.

"There's a rumour that our professor was a former Slytherin." Cissney answered, turning around in her seat in front of Black. "It's been circulating ever since the first day when he didn't show his face."

Ophelia was standing next to Longbottom, next row to their mates with Lily and Alice behind. Potter and Pettigrew were standing together in the front rows, too close to the latter's comfort.

"Why can't we stay in the back like usually?"

"Because I want to see him." Potter answered making Peter rise an eyebrow in confusion.

There was no time for further questions because heavy steps were heard coming towards the classroom. Ophelia looked at every student, noticing how much all of them were anticipating this new professor. When the door opened, they turned their heads to Idris and girls gasped. The whole path to the front of the class room felt like he was trotting, glamour oozing off him.

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