Chapter 41

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With exams done, rather well from what it seemed on everyone's faces, the only activity left was the grand Quidditch final between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. Of course, now that they had time, Wood did nothing but threat everyone while Potter mimicked him from behind.

"This is my chance to win the Quidditch house cup and no matter how fond I am of all of you, I will murder you if you do not respect the formation." Wood hissed at his team before the game. "You have the chance to further prove yourself, Potter. If you win us this game, you're welcome to replace Gideon next year."

At the sound of the sentence he has been dying to hear ever since he entered Hogwarts, Potter's eyes brightened and self confidence flew through his veins up to his head. That was a chance that he won't miss.

And he didn't. Gryffindors won, even though not spectacularly. Hufflepuffs have been changing their team quite often because of Mulciber and his lot and that affected their team work.

"You shouldn't be so happy, Potter. It was an easy win. Even I could have caught the golden snitch against that first year." Cissney started during the last dinner of the term.

"Don't ruin the mood, Littlewood." James mumbled grumpily. He, too, didn't feel the thrill of winning so easily. "Don't tell Wood about it. He's gloating."

Turning towards the captain, everyone saw him smiling so brightly with his friends that it was indeed a bit pitiful to smash his dreams into tiny pieces.

"Well, hope next year will be more challenging." Cissney assured the boy, even though from her point of view it wasn't an encouragement.

"By the way, doesn't the atmosphere seem a bit odd? I mean look at Dumbledore and the others." Lily asked, having everyone around her turn towards the staff table.

"That's curious. I thought at least professor McGonagall will be content with the recent event." Sirius added, narrowing his eyes at his head of the house. That didn't seem to mind him for long because he was the first to dive into his dessert.

"Anyway, from what I know, before the third year begins, we have to choose new subjects. There's not many that sound appealing but I thought we could all take Muggle Studies and Care of Magical Creatures together." Alice started, changing the subject completely while looking at her dorm mates with hopeful eyes.

Lily seemed to ponder on the idea while Cissney nodded without giving it much thought. That let Ophelia with a huge question mark above her head.

"Is that all there is?" She asked, already giving out the answer. "I mean, we shouldn't rush our decisions. I don't think I want to study my parents in a very detailed way."

"There's more. You can choose before you leave for the break or you can send an owl later in the month." Remus assured Ophelia, understanding her need to think it through.

That night was incredibly loud, mostly because of Potter and Black and the enthusiastic Arthur Weasley who was telling Frank Longbottom about all these strange muggle facts he found in a magazine.

Ophelia listened for a while, amusing herself with Arthur's theories and Zachary's side commentaries. But an hour into it and she noticed her red haired friend was not in the common room anymore.

"I believe Snape came over to speak to her. They probably have plans for the summer since they live so close to each other." Cissney explained.

Ophelia's expression was really easy to read and she was not content. Having told Severus so much already it was really a pity that their friendship was limited to their muggle friend and their common interests.

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