Chapter 126

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Although the school was already getting ready for the Christmas Ball, students were just as excited for the Halloween Jab, which was a different type of party.

"What's that?" Ophelia asked not having seen the invitations before.

The story with the Halloween Jab began at the beginning of October, when several Ravenclaws thought it would be interesting to have a masquerade party in the Great Hall, allegedly approved by Dumbledore.

"Goldstein said that his mates are working hard to make the party safe because a few years ago someone's hair caught on fire and another someone snuggled alcohol in the school," Lily explained narrowing her eyes at the culprits.

"In my defence, I was under the influence of a love potion," Ophelia excused herself and glanced at Sirius who shrugged innocently.

"It was a pretty good night if you ask me," He said nonchalantly, as expected.

"Anyway, they sent enchanted invitations to everyone and once you touch the invite, you see what you have to be dressed as, and then vanishes. So no one will truly know who is whom." Lily added, already having touched her invitation.

"Did they send it to everyone at school?" Remus asked.

"No, just the last three years, since there will definitely be alcohol and snogging,"

"Do I really want to be in a room with sexually charged teenagers?" Ophelia asked already sensing how that party would end up. "I mean, even Slytherins will be there. What if they start a fight? Or someone else does," Ophelia asked glancing at Sirius and Potter.

"Why would I start a fight out of nowhere at a party, badge? Do you have so little trust in me?" Potter asked leaning in with a judgemental stare.

The thing was that Ophelia was almost as tall as him so it didn't look as imposing.

"Yes," Ophelia replied calmly as if that was the only correct answer.

Potter pouted and faked a pang in his chest. He then went into a whole soliloquy about how hurt he was. But Ophelia looked at the invitations lying innocently on the table and decided to grab one. The paper became hot immediately and on the left corner, one word appeared for a few seconds before the paper burnt to ashes.

"What did it say?" Peter asked coming behind her.

Ophelia chuckled and shrugged.

"Secret, remember?"

Peter laughed and glanced at Sirius.

"I bet you 10 galleons that he will find you in the first two hours of the party." The boy started.

"Deal," Ophelia said and they shook hands.

During the following weeks, except school and parties, it so happened that there was another little detail that everyone seemed to have forgotten.

"You want me to do what?"

Ophelia was in McGonagall's office, asked to come for an urgent matter. She hurried, thinking it was about her father but it was-

"It's your future we are speaking of, Molley. You must have a dream job," The professor explained looking worried.

"But the Ministry is filled with Death Eaters,"

"But it won't be forever. You still need to think about your future,"

"What if I don't have one?"

"Don't be foolish, Molley. Your mother said the same thing and she-"

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