Chapter 74

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Lucius Malfoy was usually a prick. He has always been one and will forever be the platinum serpent of the Slytherin House. He disliked almost everything and yet had the elegance and politeness to smile and nod when he was supposed to. His eyes never stopped for long on a person of the opposite sex--or on a person in general-- because he could not find interest in common people.

But Lucius was a lonely boy at heart who wanted to feel like he belonged to an elevated group of wizards. And he did, he was a Malfoy, he was a Slytherin and recently, he became a Death Eater. Yet Lucius Malfoy still felt as lonely as ever.

"You look different," Ophelia remarked as soon as she walked out of the bathroom. She found him standing on her bed, staring ahead with sad eyes and an expression of helplessness. His usual sneer appeared as soon as the words left her mouth but was not as intense as before. "Are you alright?" she asked as she sat next to him.

His eyes first fell over her dress, a medium-sized, not very appealing green dress that she probably found around. Well, it didn't matter much since a fight was definitely going to ensue with her in the middle of a room full of Slytherins.

"Is my father sending you off to kill muggles as well?" She asked. Lucius looked up into her eyes and chuckled. "I'm serious. Rabastan has been spending more time out than with his family."

"And why does it matter?" he asked back, her blush contouring her cheeks really fast. "Why are you so worried about Rabastan's deeds?"

"Well...he is my boyfriend now." she said, her cheeks reddening even more. "I don't want him to die."

Lucius was prepared for any type of answer that could come from her and yet this one still took him off guard. His reaction was between amused and very worried which is probably the main reason why he started to laugh. Ophelia stood there next to him, quite offended. She pouted and crossed her arms in front of her chest, turning her back on him.

"I changed my mind, I'm not going to any stupid party with you."

"Rabastan might be there, though."

Ophelia frowned and peeked over her shoulder.

"But it's for the students only, isn't it?"

Lucius sighed and remembered how he was not supposed to tell her much about this alleged party.

"It is. It's for the students that want to become Death Eaters. Their loyalty will be tried at this meeting through a particularly interesting way. Of course, me and Rabastan will be there and so will Rodolphus and Bellatrix and other freshly designated Death Eaters." He explained, not once looking away from her eyes.

"I don't want to be a Death Eater." The answer was expected and so was the authoritarian tone she used.

"You don't have to be one, you are his daughter after all. You being there there is more of a formality."

"I'm supposed to annoy all of them and see which one tries to kill me first?" she asked growing more and more annoyed. She was not a tool but a living person with feelings and patience that were continuously being tested. She suddenly had a very grim thought that made her act upon it. "Are you truly my friend, Lucius? Or are you just one of the puppets?"

His eyes, those grey sad eyes that stared ahead only minutes ago were now uncovered before this fifth year girl. He couldn't hide what he felt from her and he was compelled to tell her something.

"I am your friend."

If those words were indeed true, only Lucius knew for sure. Ophelia tried her best to believe him and not invade his mind because she knew in order to have him trust her, she also needed to trust him. Besides, who could she lean on when she was so far from Hogwarts and Spinnard's Cottage?

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