Chapter 123

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It wasn't the first time that Dumbledore came to Spinnard's cottage but this time, it felt different. He stood up while the three students sat on the couch with Ophelia in the middle. They were all so different and yet more alike than they imagined. Dumbledore couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"Why have you come, headmaster?" Ophelia tried to be as polite as possible considering how Dumbledore proved to come to her when he needed something related to her father.

"I admit I expected Severus to be here, but not you Sirius. This is a nice surprise," he said and noticed Snape's face shift into a sneer. "It has come to my attention that the Dark Lord has been very silent lately. He has been traveling a lot as if he is in search of a very important object."

Ophelia couldn't help but glance at Snape. He looked ahead with no expression whatsoever.

"I'm sure whatever he is searching for has to do with what he desires most," Dumbledore added, seeing Ophelia grow more serious and almost angry.

"Of course. What is more important than immortality," She rolled her eyes.

"There is a story about three important artefacts in the wizarding world. Three objects were created to defy death. I'm sure you heard of them: the elder wand, the invisibility cloak," at this Sirius reacted quite loudly which got him a slight nudge to not give away Potter's secret, "And the immortality stone. The Deathly Hallows, with whom a wizard can be indestructible."

Ophelia couldn't help but glance at Snape again. He was silent.

"And? What does that have to do with us?" She asked the headmaster.

"One person found the stone before. Lillian. She returned it where she found it, but that is a mystery that nobody has unveiled yet. I'm sure if someone can find it again, it's you Ophelia."

"Why would I do that? Let it be lost."

"It is better to be in the hands of good-natured people rather than have him find it. I'm sure you understand what is at stake. "

Ophelia gripped her clothes tightly and tried not to show her annoyance. It was just like Dumbledore to send his students to do chores that he should do himself.

"But why ask Ophelia such a favour with a Death Eater in the room?" Sirius asked confused. What if Snape was going to run to his dark lord and spill it out?

But Dumbledore's little cheeky smile was enough to make Ophelia understand that he knew about her little vows. At least with Snape.

"That's more reason for me to do it." She muttered, sensing that Snape also understood. Dumbledore was a cunning old man.

With that established, Dumbledore was ready to leave. He was halfway out the door when he turned to Ophelia.

"Ah! I almost forgot. I ran into an old owl that was coming to deliver you a letter. He looked confused and tired so I took the liberty of taking it with me. Here," he said and gave Ophelia a letter that looked like it had gone through a lot.

"What's that?" Sirius asked after Ophelia closed the door.

"You are cordially invited to the wedding of Arthur Weasley and Molly Prewett at the Weasley residence in South Wales." Ophelia read out loud. "Ha,"

"The Weasleys have a residence in Wales?" Sirius asked reading the invitation over her shoulder. "It only has your name. What about me?"

"This is my address, after all." She muttered turning enough to look at him.

Sirius stared at her, at how little space there was between their faces, and couldn't help but swallow as his mind started to think about-

"I can read your mind so I'm sure she can too," was Severus' voice, sounding both pissed and quite amused. Ophelia herself seemed like she got used to it.

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